Id: aa-san-mateo-01
Id: abbott-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Africa Screams / Jack & the Beanstalk
- Author: Abbott, Bud
- Tags: video
- ISBN: 0778603644
Id: abclocal-go-01
Id: abcnews-go-01
Id: abram-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Becoming Animal
- Author: Abram, David
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
- Tags: a, important, book
- ASIN: 10076704
Id: abram-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Spell of the Sensuous
- Author: Abram, David
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
- Tags: b, important, book
- ASIN: 28160
Id: achbar-01
Id: achor-01
Id: ackoff-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: The Democratic Corporation
- Subtitle: A Radical Prescription for Recreating Corporate America and
Rediscovering Success
- Author: Ackoff, Russell L.
- Date: 1994-06-30
- Publisher: Oxford University Press
- Tags: important, book
- Link:
- ISBN: 9780195087277
- Annote: See:
Id: aclu-01
Id: acplasticsinc-01
Id: act-sf-01
Id: activecollab-01
- Type: site
- Media: org
- Title: activeCollab - Project Management and Collaboration Tool
- Tags: toolsw, appdesktop, openoffice, project, link
- Link:
Id: adavelli-01
Id: addons-mozilla-01
Id: adichie-01
Id: adobe-01
Id: adrienne-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Purpose Of Your Life
- Subtitle: Finding Your Place In The World Using Synchronicity,
Intuition, And Uncommon Sense
- Author: Adrienne, Carol
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: HarperCollins e-books
- Tags: book
- ASIN: 204816
Id: adrik-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Mem: A M/M Sci-fi Romance (Alien Acquisitions Book 1)
- Author: Adrik, Misha
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: Starving Artists Ink
- Tags: book
- ASIN: 26868215
Id: advancedinstaller-01
Id: adzic-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Humans vs Computers
- Author: Adzic, Gojko
- Date: 2017
- Publisher:
- Tags: book
- ASIN: 20184566
Id: ae-truth-01
Id: aero-model-01
Id: agnos-01
Id: ahmad-01
Id: airbnb-01
Id: akamai-01
Id: akullian-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Healing Through Awakening
- Subtitle: A journey of spiritual awakening, and a comprehensive guide
for healing the mind, body, and spirit.
- Author: Akullian, Mica
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: book
- ASIN: 26868216
Id: alaskaair-01
Id: aleutia-01
- Type: site
- Media: org
- Title: Aleutia
- Subtitle: Small Fanless Energy Efficient Computers
- Tags: toolhw, wearable, link
- Link:
Id: alex-01
Id: alexander-01
Id: alfred-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Mad Science
- Subtitle: Einstein's Fridge, Dewar's Flask, Mach's Speed, and 362
Other Inventions and Discoveries that Made Our World
- Author: Alfred, Randy
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
- Tags: book
- ISBN: 0316208191
- ASIN: 13107536
Id: alice-01
Id: aliexpress-01
Id: alinsky-01
Id: allen-01
Id: allen-02
Id: allende-01
Id: allfaith-01
Id: allrecipes-01
Id: almanac-01
Id: alperovitz-01
Id: alternativecancer-01
Id: alternativescience-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Eric Laithwaite, antigravity and a royal heresy, Eric
Laithwaite, antigravity, anti gravity, magnetic levitation, frictionless
drive, perpetual motion, over-unity, over unity, royal society, space
drive, space propulsion
- Tags: home, electricuniverse, link
- Link:
Id: alternet-01
Id: alternet-02
Id: alternet-03
Id: altpr-01
- Type: site
- Media: org
- Title: Alternative Press Review: Your Guide Beyond the
- Tags: home, eco, link
- Link:
Id: alzoughbi-01
Id: amazon-01
Id: amazon-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Kindle User's Guide 3rd Edition
- Author: Amazon
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 9420117
Id: amazon-03
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Kindle User's Guide
- Author: Amazon
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Amazon
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 9144126
Id: amazon-04
Id: amazon-05
Id: amazon-06
Id: amazon-07
Id: amazon-08
Id: amazon-10
Id: amazon-11
Id: amazon-12
Id: ambri-01
Id: amdebt-01
Id: amnestyusa-01
- Type: site
- Media: org
- Title: Amnesty International USA - Defending and Promoting Human
Rights Worldwide
- Tags: home, tofile, set1, link
- Link:
Id: amo-01
Id: anand-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Art of Sexual Ecstasy
- Subtitle: The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western Lovers
- Author: Anand, Margot
- Date: 1989
- Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0874775817
- ASIN: 358581
Id: andreasen-01
Id: andreashalter-01
Id: andrebacard-01
Id: andrewroberts-01
Id: androidforums-01
Id: androidpit-01
Id: anewwayforward-01
Id: angel-01
Id: angel-02
Id: angelfire-01
Id: animusic-01
Id: answers-yahoo-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: What do you need to set up a LLC in California and what are
the state and federal forms you need to fill out? - Yahoo! Answers
- Tags: home, writing, publishing, link
- Link:
Id: anzwers-01
Id: aopa-01
Id: aplia-01
Id: apod-nasa-01
Id: apod-nasa-02
Id: app-datadoghq-01
Id: app-datadoghq-02
Id: app-mindmup-01
Id: appdb-winehq-01
Id: apprenticealf-wordpress-01
Id: apprenticealf-wordpress-02
Id: appuals-01
Id: aptera-01
Id: aquarticles-01
Id: aquatic-gardeners-01
Id: aquaticplantcentral-01
Id: aquaticplantdepot-01
Id: araneus-fi-01
Id: archive-01
Id: archive-02
Id: archive-03
Id: arduino-cc-01
Id: arendt-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Crises of the Republic
- Subtitle: Lying in Politics, Civil Disobedience, On Violence,
Thoughts on Politics and Revolution
- Author: Arendt, Hannah
- Date: 1972-05-10
- Tags: book
- ISBN: 978-0-15-623200-5
- Link:
Id: arendt-02
Id: arendt-03
Id: ariely-01
Id: armstrong-01
Id: armstrong-02
Id: art-simon-tripod-01
Id: article-gmane-01
Id: articles-latimes-01
Id: articles-mercola-01
Id: artistsindevon-01
Id: artofchainmail-01
Id: artz-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Welcome to
- Tags: home, people, link
- Link:
Id: artz-02
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: : NotSafeForWork
- Tags: home, people, link
- Link:
Id: ashenden-01
Id: ask-slashdot-01
Id: askingforwhatyouwant-01
Id: asktog-01
Id: askubuntu-01
Id: asoftmurmur-01
Id: aspell-sourceforge-01
Id: associatedcontent-01
Id: astaxanthin-01
Id: atkinson-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Within the Stone
- Author: Atkinson, Bill
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: Browntrout Publishers
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0763181897
- ASIN: 2580304
Id: atwood-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Effective Programming
- Subtitle: More Than Writing Code
- Author: Atwood (Coding Horror), Jeff
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Hyperink - Guide to Effective Programming
- Tags: engineering
- ASIN: 12798344
Id: audacity-sourceforge-01
Id: auroraseye-wordpress-01
Id: auroraseye-wordpress-02
Id: auto-howstuffworks-01
Id: automatedaquariums-01
Id: automation-whatismyip-01
Id: avasolar-01
Id: averagemarrieddad-01
Id: avsforum-01
Id: aws-amazon-01
Id: axelrod-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: How to Set Up a Tropical Aquarium
- Author: Axelrod, Herbert R.
- Date: 1986
- Publisher: Tfh Pubns Inc
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0866221115
- ASIN: 9174114
Id: axkit-01
- Type: site
- Media: org
- Title: Apache AxKit
- Tags: toolsw, language, xml, link
- Link:
Id: azgardens-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: Aquarium Plants, Pond Plants, Freshwater Aquarium Plant
& Aquarium Accessories
- Publisher: Arizona Aquatic Gardens
- Tags: home, make, aquarium, link
- Link:
Id: babelfish-altavista-01
Id: babelfish-yahoo-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Translate, Yahoo! Babel Fish - Text Translation and Web Page
- Tags: reference, link
- Link:
Id: babin-01
Id: babyplaying-01
Id: backdoorsurvival-01
Id: baker-01
Id: baker-02
Id: bakingamoment-01
Id: balachova-01
- Type: media
- Media: VHS
- Title: Tall Blond Man With One Black Shoe (Subtitled)
- Author: Balachova, Tania
- Date: 1990
- Publisher: Cinema 5 Distributing
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 6303593380
- ASIN: 26864822
Id: bale-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Equilibrium
- Author: Bale, Christian
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Dimension
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 666360
Id: bale-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Terminator Salvation (Single-Disc Widescreen Edition)
- Author: Bale, Christian
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Warner Home Video
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 9288255
Id: bale-03
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The sixth sense
- Author: Bale, Christian
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0788829017
- ASIN: 11472
Id: balle-01
Id: barbarasher-01
Id: barks-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Rumi: The Book of Love
- Subtitle: Poems of Ecstasy and Longing
- Author: Barks, Coleman
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: HarperCollins
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 310203
Id: barnes-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Capitalism 3.0
- Author: Barnes, Peter
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 26868217
Id: barnes-02
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Capitalism 3.0
- Subtitle: A Guide to Reclaiming the Commons
- Author: Barnes, Peter
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Tags: important, commons
- ISBN: 9781576753613
- ASIN: 1637377
Id: barry-01
Id: bartesterblog-wordpress-01
Id: basejumpers-01
Id: basicincome-01
Id: bassler-01
Id: baty-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: No Plot? No Problem!: A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to
Writing a Novel in 30 Days
- Author: Baty, Chris
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: Chronicle Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0811845052
- ASIN: 4444
Id: baymcp-01
Id: bbc-01
Id: bbc-02
Id: bcnetworks-01
Id: bcorporation-01
Id: beafilmmaker-01
Id: beatty-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Superman II
- Author: Beatty, Ned
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: Warner Home Video
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0790752441
- ASIN: 3525348
Id: beautifullongboarding-01
Id: beethoven-01
Id: bekkoame-ne-jp-01
Id: belili-01
Id: bellaire-01
Id: benang-01
Id: bender-01
Id: bendix-01
Id: benjamin-01
Id: benkler-01
Id: berkeleycoworking-01
Id: berman-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: The Twilight of American Culture
- Author: Berman, Morris
- Date: 2007
- Publisher: WW Norton & Co
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0393048799
- ASIN: 53757
Id: berry-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Building True Community
- Subtitle: Thirty Years Down the Road Less Traveled
- Author: Berry, Eve
- Date: 2022-05-22
- Publisher: Archway Publishing
- Tags: community
- Link:
Id: berry-02
Id: bestbuy-01
Id: betanews-01
Id: betterhumans-01
Id: bhphotovideo-01
Id: bhphotovideo-02
Id: bhphotovideo-03
Id: biblegateway-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: A searchable online Bible in over 50
versions and 35 languages.
- Tags: folder, reference, link
- Link:
Id: bibliotecapleyades-01
Id: bickham-01
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: Scene & Structure
- Subtitle: Elements of Fiction Writing
- Author: Bickham, Jack M.
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0898799066
Id: bickham-02
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Setting
- Subtitle: How to Create and Sustain a Sharp Sense of Time and Place
in Your Fiction
- Author: Bickham, Jack
- Date: 1994
- Publisher: Writers Digest Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0898796350
- ASIN: 290398
- Annote: See:
Id: birkinshaw-01
Id: black-01
- Type: media
- Media: Blu-ray
- Title: Goosebumps
- Author: Black, Jack
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 17151492
Id: black-02
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: Gandhi The Man
- Author: Black, Jo Anne
- Date: 1973
- Publisher: Glide Publications
- Address: San Francisco, CA
- Tags: book
- Annote: See:
Id: blackmore-01
Id: blanchardonline-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Blanchard and Company - Gold Bullion, Rare Coins, Gold Coins,
and Precious Metals Dealer since 1975.
- Tags: home, buy, link
- Link:
Id: blazelabs-01
Id: blog-aurynn-01
Id: blog-fupps-01
Id: blog-onshoulders-01
Id: blog-zenone-01
Id: bloom-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Global Brain
- Subtitle: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st
- Author: Bloom, Howard
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: Wiley
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0471419192
- ASIN: 176608
Id: bloom-02
Id: blowfish-01
Id: blue-01
Id: bly-01
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: American Poetry: Wildness and Domesticity
- Author: Bly, Robert
- Date: 1990
- Tags: book
- ISBN: 0-06-016265-1
Id: boardsus-playstation-01
Id: bodybuilding-01
Id: bodybuilding-02
Id: boeing-dude-tripod-01
Id: bofh-ntk-01
Id: boggs-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: The Next American Revolution
- Subtitle: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century
- Author: Boggs, Grace Lee
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: University of California Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0520269241
- ASIN: 11096635
Id: boilingfrogspost-01
Id: boingboing-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The emerging split in modern trustbusting: Alexander
Hamilton's Fully Automated Luxury Communism vs Thomas Jefferson's
- Date: 2018-05-22
- Publisher: Boing Boing
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: bolinsky-01
Id: bollier-01
Id: bonar-01
Id: bookdarts-01
Id: books-google-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Gay Men and Anal Eroticism
- Subtitle: Tops, Bottoms, and Versatiles
- Author: Underwood, Steven Gregory
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Psychology Press
- ISBN: 1560233753
- Link:
Id: boothe-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Emerald Forest
- Author: Boothe, Powers
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Kl Studio Classics
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 12196202
Id: borel-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Borel Private Bank & Trust Company; Building
Relationships for Building Wealth Since 1980
- Tags: home, debt, link
- Link:
Id: borges-01
Id: bostwick-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Endgame blueprint for global enslavement
- Author: Bostwick, Barry
- Date: 2007
- Publisher: Jones Productions ; Disinformation Co.
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26862836
Id: bostwick-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Fantastic Planet
- Author: Bostwick, Barry
- Date: 1999
- Publisher: Starz / Anchor Bay
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 6305307156
- ASIN: 5241223
Id: boswell-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: The Art of Readable Code
- Author: Boswell, Dustin
- Tags: engineering
Id: boswell-02
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: The Art of Readable Code
- Subtitle: Simple and Practical Techniques for Writing Better
- Author: Boswell, Dustin
- Tags: biblio
- Annote: See:
Id: bottomupmind-01
Id: boyer-01
- Type: media
- Media: VHS
- Title: Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000
- Author: Boyer, Myriam
- Date: 1998
- Publisher: New Yorker Video
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 6302498244
- ASIN: 8425842
Id: brainwaving-01
Id: brand-01
Id: brand-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: How Buildings Learn
- Subtitle: What Happens After They're Built
- Author: Brand, Stewart
- Date: 1995
- Publisher: Penguin Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0140139966
- ASIN: 3636
Id: brand-03
Id: brand-04
Id: brasschecktv-01
Id: brave-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Secure, Fast & Private Web Browser with Adblocker;
Brave Browser
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: breene-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Fate of Perfection (Finding Paradise)
- Author: Breene, K.F.
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: 47North
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1503940683
- ASIN: 18748667
Id: brent-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men
- Author: Brent, Bill
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Cleis Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 157344121X
- ASIN: 500547
Id: bridgesweb-01
Id: briggs-01
Id: brighthub-01
Id: brightidea-01
Id: brin-01
Id: brin-02
Id: brin-03
Id: brinkhurst-cuff-01
Id: britt-01
Id: broadbent-01
Id: broderick-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Science Fiction: The 101 Best Novels 1985-2010
- Author: Broderick, Damien
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Independent Publishers Group
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 12543803
Id: bronson-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: What Should I Do with My Life?
- Subtitle: The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate
- Author: Bronson, Po
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0375758984
- ASIN: 3239
Id: brooks-01
Id: brooks-02
Id: brosnan-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: GoldenEye (Special Edition)
- Author: Brosnan, Pierce
- Date: 1997
- Publisher: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 079283318X
- ASIN: 701820
Id: brosnan-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Fifth Element
- Author: Brosnan, Pierce
- Date: 1997
- Publisher: Columbia TriStar Home Video
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0800195175
- ASIN: 31685
Id: brosnan-03
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: The golden compass altu0131n pusula
- Author: Brosnan, Pierce
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0780680162
Id: brosnan-04
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Tomorrow Never Dies (Special Edition)
- Author: Brosnan, Pierce
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0792842952
- ASIN: 1042448
Id: brothersoft-01
Id: brown-01
Id: browne-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Celtic Thunder
- Subtitle: The Show
- Date: 2008
- Publisher: Sharon Browne
- Tags: video
- Annote: See:
Id: bruckman-01
Id: bryson-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid
- Subtitle: A Memoir
- Author: Bryson, Bill
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: Crown
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780767919364
- ASIN: 3660314
Id: buddhistrecovery-01
Id: budz-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Idolon
- Author: Budz, Mark
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: Spectra
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780553588507
- ASIN: 8880899
Id: bugs-01
Id: bugs-02
Id: bugs-03
Id: bugs-04
Id: bugs-php-01
Id: bugzilla-redhat-01
Id: buhner-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Secret Teachings of Plants
- Subtitle: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of
- Author: Buhner, Stephen Harrod
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: Bear & Company
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 326891
Id: buhner-02
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: The Secret Teachings of Plants
- Subtitle: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of
- Author: Buhner, Stephen Harrod
- Tags: book, book
- Link:
Id: bullock-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: 911 mysteries. Part 1: demolitions
- Author: Bullock, Sandra
- Date: 2007
- Publisher: Disinformation Company
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9781932857962
- ASIN: 26862832
Id: bullock-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Forces of Nature (Packing May Vary)
- Author: Bullock, Sandra
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Dreamworks Video
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0783235380
- ASIN: 10648467
Id: bullock-03
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Net (Special Edition)
- Author: Bullock, Sandra
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0767881176
- ASIN: 11439
Id: bullock-04
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Proposal (Two-Disc Deluxe Edition Digital Copy)
- Author: Bullock, Sandra
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Touchstone Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 9351966
Id: burgess-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: In Search of Certainty
- Subtitle: The Science of Our Information Infrastructure
- Author: Burgess, Mark
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: XtAxis Press
- Tags: engineering
- ASIN: 14388194
Id: burgess-02
Id: burgess-03
Id: burgess-04
Id: burgess-05
Id: burgess-06
Id: burgess-07
Id: burgess-08
Id: burgess-09
Id: burke-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Perl & LWP
- Author: Burke, Sean M.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596001789
Id: burke-02
Id: burklo-01
Id: burklo-02
Id: burstyn-01
- Type: media
- Media: Blu-ray
- Title: Interstellar (Blu-ray DVD Combo Pack)
- Author: Burstyn, Ellen
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: Warner Home Video
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 15896590
Id: businessinsider-01
Id: butler-01
Id: butler-02
Id: buuren-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: A State Of Trance - Armin van Buuren
- Author: Buuren, Armin van
- Tags: misc, music, link, old:arminvanbuuren-01
- Link:
Id: cacr-math-uwaterloo-01
Id: cafeconleche-01
Id: cafeconleche-02
Id: cain-01
Id: cain-02
Id: caldwell-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: A.I. artificial intelligence
- Author: Caldwell, Michael
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: DreamWorks Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0783267622
- ASIN: 1995633
Id: caldwell-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Bowling for Columbine
- Author: Caldwell, Michael
- Date: 2008
- Publisher: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 3161368
Id: caldwell-03
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Missa solemnis op. 123
- Author: Caldwell, Michael
- Date: 2008
- Publisher: Deutsche Grammophon
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26862841
Id: caldwell-04
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Andromeda Strain
- Author: Caldwell, Michael
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Universal Studios
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0783255349
- ASIN: 9151970
Id: calibre-kovidgoyal-01
Id: californiacoastline-01
- Type: site
- Media: org
- Title: California Coastal Records Project
- Subtitle: Aerial Photographs of the California Coastline
- Tags: reference, link
- Link:
Id: callenbach-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Ecotopia
- Author: Callenbach, Ernest
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 6853
- Link:
Id: callenbach-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Ecotopia Emerging
- Author: Callenbach, Ernest
- Date: 1981-06-01
- Publisher: Banyan Tree Books
- ISBN: 0960432035
- Link:
Id: callenbach-03
Id: calsci-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: BrainMaker Neural Network Software
- Publisher: California Scientific
- Tags: toolsw, appdesktop, neuralnet, link
- Link:
Id: cameron-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Learning GNU Emacs
- Author: Cameron, Debra
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0937175846
Id: campbell-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Getting Real
- Subtitle: 10 Truth Skills You Need to Live an Authentic Life
- Author: Campbell Ph.D., Susan
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: New World Library
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 204591
Id: canadafreepress-01
Id: canary-is-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: Canary - A complete security system in a single device.
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: cancerdefeated-01
Id: cancertruth-01
Id: cao-01
Id: carbon-d-01
Id: card-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Elements of Fiction Writing - Characters & Viewpoint
- Subtitle: Proven advice and timeless techniques for creating
compelling characters by an award-winning author
- Author: Card, Orson Scott
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: F W Media, Inc.
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 7450
Id: care-01
Id: carlson-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and It's All Small
- Subtitle: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your
- Author: Carlson, Richard
- Date: 1997
- Publisher: Hachette Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0786881852
- ASIN: 2484
Id: carolynbaker-01
Id: carsun-01
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: wimp: Simple way to cool down your car after it's been baking
in the sun.
- Tags: video
- Link:
Id: cas-sdss-01
Id: casey-01
Id: casey-02
Id: cassella-01
Id: cassonline-01
Id: castaneda-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Magical Passes
- Subtitle: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico
- Author: Castaneda, Carlos
- Date: 1998
- Publisher: Harper Perennial
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0060928824
- ASIN: 207679
Id: category-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Category5 Technology TV
- Tags: home, homelan, frequent, link
- Link:
Id: cbcity-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: CB CITY - CB Radio and Antenna Superstore
- Tags: home, cb, link
- Link:
Id: cccsebay-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Consolidate Debt
- Subtitle: Consumer Credit Counseling Services, CCCS of the East Bay,
Money Management International
- Tags: home, debt, link
- Link:
Id: ccl-01
Id: cde-01
Id: cellphoneplaying-01
Id: cellphonerepair-01
Id: celtx-01
Id: census-01
Id: centerforpartnership-01
Id: centos-01
Id: centos-02
Id: centos-03
Id: certbot-eff-01
Id: cfengineers-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title:; Start your CFEngines!
- Tags: home, homelan, frequent, link
- Link:
Id: cgi-ebay-01
Id: cgi-ebay-02
Id: cgi-ebay-03
Id: cgmaille-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: - Chainmaille Tutorials & Graphics
- Tags: home, make, chainmail, link
- Link:
Id: chainmailbasket-01
Id: chainmailbasket-02
Id: chainweavers-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Chainmaille Jumprings Kits Tutorials Supplies Tools and more,
chain maille Projects Lessons Instructions Components
- Tags: trustedid, link
- Link:
Id: chan-01
- Type: media
- Media: Blu-ray
- Title: Supercop / Twin Dragons
- Author: Chan, Jackie
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 9855901
Id: chandra-harvard-01
Id: chandra-harvard-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The Chandra X-ray Observatory Center
- Subtitle: Gateway to the Universe of X-ray Astronomy!
- Tags: home, tofile, set2, link
- Link:
Id: change-01
Id: chaosinmotion-01
Id: chaosinmotion-02
Id: chapman-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Author: Chapman, Graham
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
- Edition: Sp.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0767853520
- ASIN: 8015336
Id: chapman-02
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Capitalism Is Destroying Us
- Subtitle: The New Climate Report
- Author: Chapman, JT
- Date: 2022-08-26
- Publisher: Second Thought
- Tags: video
- Link:
Id: charmed-01
Id: chavers-01
Id: chez-01
Id: chia-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Multi-Orgasmic Man
- Subtitle: Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know
- Author: Chia, Mantak
- Date: 1996
- Publisher: HarperCollins
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780062513366
- ASIN: 129087
Id: chiang-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Arrival
- Subtitle: Stories of Your Life MTI
- Author: Chiang, Ted
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Vintage
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0525433678
- ASIN: 28008
Id: chiang-02
Id: chiang-03
Id: cho-01
- Type: media
- Media: Blu-ray
- Title: A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (Blu-ray 3D)
- Author: Cho, John
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: WarnerBrothers
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 17592848
Id: choisser-01
Id: chomsky-01
Id: chrisagnos-01
Id: christian-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Creating a Life Together
- Subtitle: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional
- Author: Christian, Diana Leafe
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: New Society Publishers
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0865714711
- ASIN: 364471
Id: chrome-01
Id: chrome-02
Id: chrome-03
Id: chronobank-01
Id: chucksaddiction-01
Id: cibean-01
Id: cichlid-forum-01
Id: ciclops-01
Id: cinequest-01
Id: circumstitions-01
Id: citationmachine-01
Id: cityarts-01
Id: claria-01
Id: clean-cs-ru-01
Id: cleansofts-01
Id: cleary-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Secret of the Golden Flower
- Author: Cleary, Thomas
- Date: 1993
- Publisher: HarperOne
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 204188
Id: climatecrisis-01
Id: clker-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Backup, burn movies to DVD, copy DVD to DVD. Movkit DVD Copy
and Movkit DVD Ripper Pro
- Tags: home, a/v, link, video, link
- Link:
Id: clonezilla-01
Id: closecombattraining-01
Id: cloudonaut-01
Id: cloudonaut-02
Id: clute-01
Id: cmc-uib-no-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: How to learn MOO programming.
- Tags: home, tofile, set7, link
- Link:
Id: cnbc-01
Id: cnet-01
Id: cnvc-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The Center for Nonviolent Communication
- Date: 2022-11-18
- Tags: home, homelan, frequent, link
- Link:
Id: coase-01
Id: coase-02
Id: coase-03
Id: coastsider-01
Id: code-google-01
Id: code-google-02
Id: code-google-03
Id: codeforamerica-01
Id: codelore-01
Id: codeproject-01
Id: codicesoftware-blogspot-01
Id: coffeetea-about-01
Id: cohen-01
Id: cohousing-01
Id: cohousingco-01
Id: collectionspace-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: CollectionSpace; collections management software for museums
and more
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: collegehumor-01
Id: collegehumor-02
Id: collegehumor-03
Id: comcast-01
Id: commondreams-01
Id: commonfuture-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Communities Directory
- Subtitle: Guide to Cooperative Living
- Author: Community, Fellowship for Intentional
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0971826498
- ASIN: 3465801
Id: communityandconsensus-01
Id: communityandconsensus-02
Id: communityandconsensus-03
Id: company-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Maven
- Subtitle: The Definitive Guide
- Author: Company, Sonatype
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596517335
Id: comptechdoc-01
Id: compusol-01
Id: compusol-02
Id: comscire-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: ComScire
- Subtitle: The Random Number Generator Company.
- Tags: home, make, crypt, link
- Link:
Id: conley-01
Id: conover-01
Id: conover-02
Id: conover-03
Id: conrad-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Against Equality
- Subtitle: Queer Revolution Not Mere Inclusion
- Author: Conrad, Ryan
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: AK Press
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 14793588
Id: conscioussensuality-01
Id: console-aws-amazon-01
Id: console-aws-amazon-02
Id: consonance-01
Id: consordini-01
Id: constantine-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Wraeththu
- Subtitle: The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit, The Bewitchments of
Love and Hate, The Fulfilments of Fate and Desire
- Author: Constantine, Storm
- Date: 1993
- Publisher: Orb Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0312890001
- ASIN: 58588
Id: consul-01
Id: content-boostmobile-01
Id: conversationsnetwork-01
Id: cook-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Recovering the Lost World, A Saturnian Cosmology
- Author: Cook, Jno
- Date: 2018
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868219
Id: cooking-nytimes-01
Id: cooney-01
Id: coopamerica-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Co-op America: Economic Action for a Just Planet
- Tags: home, eco, link
- Link:
Id: cooper-01
Id: coops-tech-01
Id: copperchef-01
Id: coprule-01
Id: cosmicfingerprints-01
Id: cosmotography-01
Id: cothwinobena-nfshost-01
Id: cousteau-01
Id: covad-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Covad SMART Account Manager
- Tags: home, tofile, set1, link
- Link:
Id: coyotenetworknews-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Coyote Network News - The Mythological News Service for the
Trickster Redeemer within us all
- Tags: misc, link
- Link:
Id: cp-appriver-01
Id: cpan-01
Id: craftsy-01
Id: craigslist-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: craigslist: san francisco bay area online community
- Tags: home, tofile, set2, link
- Link:
Id: cramer-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Flight of the Navigator
- Author: Cramer, Joey
- Date: 2013
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 1268411
Id: craphound-01
Id: critters-01
Id: cross-01
Id: crowdsupply-01
Id: crowdsupply-02
Id: cruise-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: War of the Worlds
- Author: Cruise, Tom
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Dreamworks Video
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 141705784X
- ASIN: 2933588
Id: cryptome-01
Id: crystalclarity-01
Id: cs-cmu-01
Id: cs-princeton-01
Id: cs-unm-01
Id: cs-vassar-01
Id: cs-vassar-02
Id: csd-01
Id: cstick-01
Id: cstl-hhs-semo-01
Id: cuddle-theplayfulcircle-01
Id: culture-01
Id: curezone-01
Id: curl-loader-sourceforge-01
Id: current-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Current / Home
- Tags: home, political, link
- Link:
Id: cva-01
Id: cyberciti-01
Id: cyberciti-02
Id: cyberciti-03
Id: cyberciti-04
Id: cynbe-01
Id: daedone-01
Id: dailyinfo-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Daily Information - Your Guide to Oxford, England
- Tags: home, tofile, set1, link
- Link:
Id: dailypost-wordpress-01
Id: damonpoole-blogspot-01
Id: darronschall-01
Id: dasani-01
Id: dataevolution-01
Id: dataliberation-01
Id: datavision-sourceforge-01
Id: datta-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Original Biography of Sri Ramakrishna
- Author: Datta, Ram Chandra
- Date: 2019
- Publisher:
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0359673031
- ASIN: 26862774
Id: davian-01
Id: davies-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Frozen Shoulder Workbook
- Subtitle: A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook
- Author: Davies, Clair
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9781572244474
- ASIN: 2367927
Id: davies-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The trigger point therapy workbook
- Subtitle: your self-treatment guide for pain relief
- Author: Davies, Clair
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1608824969
- ASIN: 310157
Id: davies-03
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Trigger Point Therapy Workbook
- Subtitle: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief
- Author: Davies, Clair
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1608824942
- ASIN: 310157
Id: davis-01
Id: davis-02
Id: davis-03
Id: dbaron-01
Id: deals-slashdot-01
Id: debian-01
Id: debian-02
Id: debian-03
Id: debian-04
Id: debian-administration-01
Id: debian-administration-02
Id: debian-administration-03
Id: debianadmin-01
Id: debianadmin-02
Id: debianadmin-03
Id: debianhelp-01
Id: deepai-01
Id: deepx-01
Id: defoe-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: A Journal of the Plague Year
- Subtitle: Written by a Citizen Who Continued All the While in
- Author: Defoe, Daniel
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 29781
Id: degree-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Central
- Tags: home, tofile, set4, link
- Link:
Id: deliberatedumbingdown-01
Id: demarco-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Slack: Getting Past Burnout, Busywork, and the Myth of Total
- Author: DeMarco, Tom
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Currency
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0767907698
- ASIN: 2579731
Id: demarco-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Deadline
- Subtitle: A Novel About Project Management
- Author: DeMarco, Tom
- Date: 1997
- Publisher: Dorset House
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0932633390
- ASIN: 16832
Id: demarco-03
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Waltzing With Bears
- Subtitle: Managing Risk on Software Projects
- Author: DeMarco, Tom
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Dorset House
- Tags: engineering
- ISBN: 0932633609
- ASIN: 188256
Id: demeo-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Heretic's Notebook
- Subtitle: Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life-Energy,
with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich
- Author: DeMeo, James
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Natural Energy Works
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0980231655
- ASIN: 6765908
Id: demeo-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Orgone Accumulator Handbook
- Subtitle: Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools
for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans
- Author: DeMeo, James
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: Natural Energy Works
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0980231639
- ASIN: 596388
Id: demilked-01
Id: democracynow-01
Id: democracynow-02
Id: democracynow-03
Id: democracynow-04
Id: democracynow-05
Id: democraticunderground-01
Id: democraticunderground-02
Id: dennett-01
Id: dennett-02
Id: dev-mysql-01
Id: dev-mysql-02
Id: developer-mozilla-01
Id: developers-google-01
Id: developers-google-02
Id: developers-google-03
Id: developers-google-04
Id: developers-google-05
Id: developers-google-06
Id: developers-google-07
Id: developers-google-08
Id: developers-google-09
Id: devi-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Sacred Sexual Healing: The SHAMAN Method of Sex Magic
- Author: Devi, Kamala
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Zendow Press
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 26868220
Id: devi-02
Id: devi-03
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: KamalaDevi - Polyamorous Coch, Mentor, and Bestselling
- Author: Devi, Kamala
- Date: 2023-12-07
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: dhubs-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: 3D Hubs: Local 3D printing services and 3D Printers
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: diamond-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Collapse
- Subtitle: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
- Author: Diamond, Jared
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Penguin Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0143036556
- ASIN: 1070881
Id: diasporafoundation-01
Id: dice-01
Id: dickie-01
Id: dickinson-01
Id: digitaldreams-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: digital dreams - 3D art, graphic design, music
- Tags: home, tofile, set5, link
- Link:
Id: digitalelf-01
Id: digitalocean-01
Id: dinosaurtheory-01
Id: directory-google-01
Id: directory-ic-01
Id: disabledonline-01
Id: discogs-01
Id: discogs-02
Id: discountpc-01
Id: discoworld-dk-01
Id: diybookbinding-01
Id: djembe-01
Id: dkstories-gayauthors-01
Id: dnshistory-01
Id: doc-x-dom-01
Id: docbook-01
Id: dockercon-01
Id: dockercon-hubs-vidyard-01
Id: docs-cfengine-01
Id: docs-datadoghq-01
Id: docs-google-01
Id: docs-google-02
Id: docs-python-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Overview - Python v2.7.2 documentation
- Tags: toolsw, language, python, link
- Link:
Id: doctorow-01
Id: doctorow-02
Id: doctorow-03
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
- Author: Doctorow, Cory
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
- Tags: c, biblio
- ASIN: 109
Id: doctorow-04
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
- Subtitle: Outspoken Authors Book 8
- Author: Doctorow, Cory
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: PM Press
- Tags: d, biblio
- ASIN: 11799838
Id: doctorow-05
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: In Real Life
- Author: Doctorow, Cory
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: First Second
- Tags: e, biblio
- ASIN: 14752976
Id: doctorow-06
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Makers
- Author: Doctorow, Cory
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
- Tags: f, important
- ASIN: 8564124
Id: doctorow-07
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Radicalized
- Author: Doctorow, Cory
- Date: 2019
- Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
- Tags: g, biblio
- ASIN: 22788475
Id: doctorow-08
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Rapture of the Nerds
- Subtitle: A tale of the singularity, posthumanity, and awkward social
- Author: Doctorow, Cory
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
- Tags: h, biblio
- ASIN: 740184
Id: doctorow-09
Id: doctorow-10
Id: doctorow-11
Id: doctorow-12
Id: doctorow-13
Id: doctorow-14
Id: doctorow-15
Id: doctorow-16
Id: doctorow-17
Id: doctorow-18
Id: documents-mx-01
Id: dofaster-01
Id: doit-sourceforge-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Doit
- Subtitle: Simple Web Application Testing
- Tags: toolsw, qa, evaltool, link
- Link:
Id: domsubfriends-01
Id: donotcall-01
Id: donotpay-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: DoNotPay - The World's First Robot Lawyer
- Tags: reference, misc, link
- Link:
Id: dot-01
Id: dotdeb-01
Id: doublependulum-01
Id: douglas-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Sexual Secrets
- Subtitle: The Alchemy of Ecstasy
- Author: Douglas, Nik
- Date: 1989
- Publisher: Inner Traditions
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0892812664
- ASIN: 482028
Id: downloads-zdnet-01
Id: doyle-01
Id: dprintingpricecheck-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: 3D Printing Price Check
- Subtitle: compare 3D printing prices for FDM, SLS, DMLS, Polyjet,
metals, and more from eight vendors (and counting)
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: dquinton-github-01
Id: draga-01
Id: drake-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Downshifting
- Subtitle: How to Work Less and Enjoy Life More
- Author: Drake, John D.
- Date: 2000
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 629637
Id: drakyl-01
Id: dreamviews-01
Id: dreamviews-02
Id: dregger-01
Id: dronereviewsandnews-01
Id: drummond-01
Id: drupal-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: gantt charts & dependencies;
- Tags: toolsw, appdesktop, openoffice, project, link
- Link:
Id: drupal-02
Id: dsldepot-01
Id: dtv-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The Digital TV Transition: What You Need to Know About
- Tags: home, buy, link
- Link:
Id: dtvtransition-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: - A New Era in Television Broadcasting
- Tags: home, buy, link
- Link:
Id: ducharme-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: SGML CD: With CDROM (Charles F. Goldfarb)
- Author: DuCharme, Bob
- Date: 1997
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0134757408
- ASIN: 5925814
Id: duckduckgo-01
Id: dugan-01
Id: duhm-01
Id: duhm-02
Id: duhm-03
Id: duhm-04
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: And They Knew Each Other
- Subtitle: The End of Sexual Violence
- Author: Duhm, Dieter
- Date: 2019
- Publisher: Verlag Meiga
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 3927266620
- ASIN: 26862697
Id: duhm-05
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Eros Unredeemed
- Author: Duhm, Dieter
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: Verlag Meiga
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 3927266132
- ASIN: 11302832
Id: duhm-06
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Eros Unredeemed
- Subtitle: The World Power of Sexuality
- Author: Duhm, Dieter
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Verlag Meiga
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 11302832
Id: duhm-07
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Sacred Matrix
- Subtitle: From the Matrix of Violence to the Matrix of Life, The
Foundation for a New Civilization
- Author: Duhm, Dieter
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Verlag Meiga
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 26868222
- Link:
Id: duhm-08
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Terra Nova. Global Revolution and the Healing of Love
- Author: Duhm, Dieter
- Date: 2014-06-06
- Publisher: Verlag Meiga
- Tags: important
Id: duhm-09
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Sacred Matrix
- Subtitle: From the Matrix of Violence to the Matrix of Life, The
Foundation for a New Civilization
- Author: Duhm, Dieter
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Verlag Meiga
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 3927266167
- Link:
Id: duhm-10
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Towards a New Culture
- Author: Duhm, Dieter
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Verlag Meiga
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 392726637X
- ASIN: 26862720
Id: duhm-11
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Eros Unredeemed
- Subtitle: The World Power of Sexuality
- Author: Duhm, Dieter
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Verlag Meiga
- Tags: book
- ASIN: 11302832
- Link:
Id: duhm-13
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: Towards a New Culture
- Subtitle: From Refusal to Rcreation, Outline of an Ecological and
Humane Alternative
- Author: Duhm, Dieter
- Tags: book, book
- Link:
Id: dulinsbooks-01
Id: dumbill-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Mono
- Subtitle: A Developer's Notebook
- Author: Dumbill, Edd
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596007922
Id: dump-01
Id: dump-02
Id: duolingo-01
Id: dutchguard-01
Id: dxzone-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The DXZone: ham-radio, shortwave and cb-radio guide
- Tags: home, cb, link
- Link:
Id: dynamic-soaring-01
Id: e-booksdirectory-01
Id: eagleshadow-01
Id: earth-imagico-01
Id: earthquake-01
Id: earthquake-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Earthquake Hazards Program, Welcome to the U.S. Geological
- Tags: reference, link
- Link:
Id: eastendcampers-01
Id: easysw-01
Id: ebags-01
Id: ebay-01
Id: ece-cmu-01
Id: eck-01
Id: edelman-01
Id: edflix-01
Id: edgar-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Grounding Therapy
- Subtitle: Nature's Most POWERFUL Natural Health Secret
- Author: Edgar, James
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Wyeland Publishing
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868223
Id: editix-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Editix - XML Editor
- Tags: folder, reference, xml, html, link
- Link:
Id: editix-02
Id: eere-energy-01
Id: eere-energy-02
Id: efficientway-01
Id: ehow-01
Id: ehrenreich-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Nickel and Dimed
- Subtitle: On (Not) Getting By in America
- Author: Ehrenreich, Barbara
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Holt Paperbacks
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780805063899
- ASIN: 15967
Id: eisenstein-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Ascent of Humanity
- Subtitle: Civilization and the Human Sense of Self
- Author: Eisenstein, Charles
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: North Atlantic Books
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 4982806
- Link:
Id: eisenstein-02
Id: eisenstein-03
Id: eisenstein-04
Id: eisenstein-05
Id: eisenstein-06
Id: eisenstein-07
Id: eisenstein-08
Id: eisenstein-09
Id: eisenstein-10
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible
- Subtitle: Sacred Activism Book 2
- Author: Eisenstein, Charles
- Date: 2013-11-05,
- Publisher: North Atlantic Books
- Tags: book
- Link:
Id: eisenstein-11
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Climate
- Subtitle: A New Story
- Author: Eisenstein, Charles
- Date: 2018-09-18
- Publisher: North Atlantic Books
- Tags: book
- ASIN: B075HY5TN8
- Link:
Id: eisenstein-12
Id: eisenstein-13
Id: eisenstein-14
Id: eisenstein-15
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Occupy Wall St.-NYC-ReEnvisioning Money-Charles
Eisenstein-October 24-2011-film by Antonio Ferrera
- Author: Eisenstein, Charles
- Date: 2011-10-24
- Publisher: Antonio Ferrera
- Tags: video, old:youtube-048
- Link:
Id: eisenstein-16
Id: eisler-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Chalice and the Blade
- Subtitle: Our History, Our Future—Updated With a New Epilogue
- Author: Eisler, Riane
- Date: 2011-11-22
- Publisher: HarperOne
- Tags: book, important, book
- ASIN: B005Z0IX7C/
- Link:
Id: eisler-02
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Sacred Pleasure
- Subtitle: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body
- Author: Eisler, Riane
- Date: 1995
- Publisher: Harpercollins
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 006250293X
- ASIN: 76901
Id: eisler-03
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Sacred Pleasure
- Subtitle: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body-
- Author: Eisler, Riane
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Harpercollins
- Tags: book, important, book
- ISBN: 006250293X
- ASIN: 76901
Id: eisler-04
Id: eisler-05
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Sacred Pleasures
- Subtitle: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the BodNew Paths to Power
and Love
- Author: Eisler, Riane
- Date: 2012-01-03
- Publisher: HarperOne
- Tags: book
- Link:
Id: eisler-06
Id: eisler-07
Id: eisler-08
Id: elearn-ellak-gr-01
Id: electric-cosmos-01
Id: electric-cosmos-02
Id: electroauto-01
Id: electronics-lab-01
Id: elfman-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Matrix reloaded
- Author: Elfman, Danny
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Warner Home Video
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0790783886
- ASIN: 318001
Id: elfman-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Minority report
- Author: Elfman, Danny
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: DreamWorks Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0783274068
- ASIN: 435481
Id: elfman-03
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Matrix revolutions
- Author: Elfman, Danny
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: Warner Home Video
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0790790300
- ASIN: 6553649
Id: elfman-04
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Author: Elfman, Danny
- Date: 1993
- Publisher: Walt Disney Video
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 6304711921
- ASIN: 8415549
Id: elfman-05
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The matrix
- Author: Elfman, Danny
- Date: 1999
- Publisher: Warner Home Video
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 318000
Id: eliasacastillo-01
Id: ellenbrown-01
Id: elving-01
Id: embeddeddatasystems-01
Id: emeryville-cohousing-01
Id: emotiv-01
Id: emoto-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Hidden Messages in Water
- Author: Emoto, Masaru
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Atria Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780743289801
- ASIN: 11392
Id: encryptomatic-01
Id: engineeringtalk-01
Id: engineeringtalk-02
Id: englishevolve-01
Id: enigmail-mozdev-01
Id: enneagraminstitute-01
Id: ensler-01
Id: entheos-01
Id: eol-01
- Type: site
- Media: org
- Title: Encyclopedia of Life
- Tags: reference, trivia, link
- Link:
Id: epictea-01
Id: epmhome-01
Id: equilibrauk-01
Id: eric-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Captive Genders
- Author: Eric A. Stanley, Nat Smith
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: AK Press
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 11285163
Id: erikimh-01
Id: erma-wikidot-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: ERMA
- Subtitle: Welcome to ERMA's Wiki
- Tags: toolsw, appweb, nagios, link
- Link:
Id: erocktumbling-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: Rock Tumblers, Lortone Tumbling, Thumlers, Lapidary
- Tags: home, make, chainmail, link
- Link:
Id: erocktumbling-02
Id: erocktumbling-03
Id: etchemendy-01
Id: etinc-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Emerging Technologies Main Page
- Tags: home, tofile, set1, link
- Link:
Id: eubusiness-01
Id: eurekaproductions-01
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Eureka Productions; Grass-Roots Videos, Books and Martial Arts
- Tags: video, link
- Link:
Id: eustace-01
Id: eustace-02
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: Covered with Night
- Subtitle: A Story of Murder and Indigenous Justice in Early
- Author: Eustace, Nicole
- Date: 2021-04-27
- Tags: book
- ASIN: B08D211XBX
- Link:
Id: evans-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Java in a Nutshell
- Subtitle: A Desktop Quick Reference
- Author: Evans, Benjamin J
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1449370829
Id: evans-02
Id: evconvert-01
Id: eve-online-01
Id: everythingselectric-01
Id: everythingselectric-02
Id: everythingselectric-03
Id: everythingsysadmin-01
Id: expeditedssl-01
Id: experts-about-01
Id: experts-about-02
Id: experts-exchange-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Experts Exchange - Your Technology Questions Answered
- Tags: home, homelan, frequent, link
- Link:
Id: experts-exchange-02
Id: experts-exchange-03
Id: exslt-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: EXSLT
- Tags: folder, reference, xml, html, link
- Link:
Id: extremetech-01
Id: eyck-01
Id: eyes-on-the-skies-01
Id: faa-01
Id: facebook-01
Id: facebook-02
Id: facebook-03
Id: factor-01
Id: fairly-01
Id: falkvinge-01
Id: fandango-01
Id: fannagioscd-01
Id: fanning-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Steven Spielberg Presents Taken
- Author: Fanning, Dakota
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Dreamworks Video
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0783280807
- ASIN: 10033402
Id: fanning-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Secret Life of Bees
- Author: Fanning, Dakota
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: Fox Searchlight
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 12852703
Id: fantasticcontraption-01
Id: faqs-01
Id: farrell-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Epic
- Author: Farrell, Colin
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: 20th Century Fox
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 16724819
Id: fastcompany-01
Id: fbdown-01
Id: fce-01
Id: fedoraforum-01
Id: feedthepig-01
Id: feinberg-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Why Smart People Do Dumb Things
- Subtitle: The Greatest Business Blunders - How They Happened, and How
They Could Have Been Prevented
- Author: Feinberg, Mortimer
- Date: 1995
- Publisher: Fireside
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780671892586
- ASIN: 13257755
Id: feldman-01
Id: feldman-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? And Other Imponderables
- Author: Feldman, David
- Date: 1988
- Publisher: Perennial Library / Harper & Row
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0060915153
- ASIN: 31096
Id: ferriss-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: The 4-Hour Workweek
- Subtitle: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
- Author: Ferriss, Timothy
- Date: 2007
- Publisher: Harmony
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0307353133
- ASIN: 2174241
Id: festvox-01
Id: fetzer-01
Id: feynman-01
Id: feynman-02
Id: feynman-03
Id: fi-google-01
Id: fibonaccisequence-01
Id: ficustree-01
Id: file-01
Id: file-03
Id: file-04
Id: file-05
Id: file-06
Id: file-07
Id: fileguru-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Free Movie Database Php Downloads
- Subtitle: My Movie Collection by GoToMyCollection, Movie Library by
WenSoftware and More
- Tags: home, a/v, link, video, link
- Link:
Id: files-mkgnu-01
Id: filmflap-blogspot-01
Id: filmfreeway-01
Id: filmmakerscollab-01
Id: filmsforaction-01
Id: fireandice-environics-01
Id: firewalla-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: Firewalla; Firewalla: Cybersecurity Firewall For Your Family
and Business
- Tags: toolhw, link
- Link:
Id: firth-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Kingsman: The Secret Service
- Author: Firth, Colin
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: 20th Century Fox
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 16449859
Id: fischer-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Boy from Tomorrow
- Author: Fischer, Mr Meade
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1502889013
- ASIN: 26862790
Id: fischer-02
Id: fisher-01
Id: fitzgerald-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: XML Hacks
- Subtitle: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools
- Author: Fitzgerald, Michael
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596007116
Id: flanagan-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: JavaScript
- Subtitle: The Definitive Guide
- Author: Flanagan, David
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596101996
Id: fleshandspirit-01
Id: flickr-01
Id: flipdog-01
Id: fluentin-months-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Front Page - Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel
- Tags: language, link
- Link:
Id: flypcc-01
Id: fmbr-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: The FMBR - Where Science and Consciousness Produce Wisdom
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: foavc-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Friends Of the Article V Convention
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: folding-stanford-01
Id: foldshirt-01
Id: fonda-01
Id: fonda-02
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: What Can I Do?
- Subtitle: My Path from Climate Despair to Action
- Author: Fonda, Jane
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: Penguin Press
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0593296222
- ASIN: 25046115
Id: forbiddenknowledge-01
Id: ford-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Path Of The Green Man
- Subtitle: Gay Men, Wicca and Living a Magical Life
- Author: Ford, Michael Thomas
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Citadel
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 080652653X
- ASIN: 508207
Id: forge-medium-01
Id: forster-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Life to Come
- Subtitle: And Other Short Stories
- Author: Forster, E. M.
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: RosettaBooks
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 330550
Id: forum-dji-01
Id: forum-ethereum-01
Id: forum-goteamspeak-01
Id: forum-kde-01
Id: forum-teamspeak-01
Id: forums-01
Id: forums-aws-amazon-01
Id: forums-fedoraforum-01
Id: forums-laptopvideo-go-01
Id: fountain-01
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Apps - Fountain
- Subtitle: A markup language for screenwriting.
- Tags: video, link
- Link:
Id: fourthturning-01
Id: fourwheelcampers-01
Id: fox-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Back to the Future
- Subtitle: The Complete Trilogy
- Author: Fox, Michael J.
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0783269935
- ASIN: 849480
Id: fox-02
Id: foxtorrent-01
Id: fr-rpmfind-01
Id: franksaquarium-01
Id: frederic-malmartel-01
Id: free-energy-ws-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Free Energy Website - Edwin Gray, Nikola Tesla, and Dr Peter
Lindemann Free Energy
- Tags: home, freeenergy, link
- Link:
Id: freeciv-01
Id: freeciv-02
Id: freeconferencecall-01
Id: freedomfiles-01
Id: freemusicarchive-01
Id: freenetproject-01
Id: freeradio-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Free Radio Berkeley
- Subtitle: International Radio Action Training Education
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: freethegods-01
Id: freewrl-sourceforge-01
Id: french-01
Id: freshaquarium-about-01
Id: freshaquarium-about-02
Id: freshaquarium-about-03
Id: freshaquarium-about-04
Id: fried-01
Id: frisch-01
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: Essential System Administration (Nutshell Handbooks)
- Author: Frisch, u00c6leen
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1565921275
Id: fromdual-01
Id: fromm-01
Id: funprank-01
Id: futuremethod-01
Id: gage-01
Id: galaxyzoo-01
Id: galaxyzoo-02
Id: gallop-01
Id: gamble-01
Id: games-slashdot-01
Id: gandhi-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth
- Author: Gandhi, Mohandas K.
- Date: 2008
- Publisher: Formax Publishing
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 45411
Id: gandhi-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi
- Author: Gandhi, Mohandas K.
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Start Publishing LLC
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 68143
Id: ganttproject-01
Id: garr-01
- Type: media
- Media: Blu-ray
- Title: Young Frankenstein
- Author: Garr, Teri
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: 20th Century Fox
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 690192
Id: garrett-01
Id: gates-01
Id: gatto-01
Id: gatto-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Underground History of American Education, Volume I
- Subtitle: An Intimate Investigation Into the Prison of Modern
- Author: Gatto, John Taylor
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Valor Academy
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0998919101
- ASIN: 167797
Id: gatto-03
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Underground History of American Education
- Subtitle: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem
of Modern Schooling
- Author: Gatto, John Taylor
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Valor Academy
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0998919101
- ASIN: 167797
Id: gatto-04
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Underground History of American Education
- Subtitle: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem
of Modern Schooling
- Author: Gatto, John Taylor
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 167797
Id: gatto-05
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Weapons of Mass Instruction
- Subtitle: A Schoolteacher's Journey Through the Dark World of
Compulsory Schooling
- Author: Gatto, John Taylor
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: New Society Publishers
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 5927688
Id: gatto-06
Id: gatto-07
Id: gatto-08
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Underground History of American Education, Volume I
- Subtitle: An Intimate Investigation Into the Prison of Modern
- Author: Gatto, John Taylor
- Date: 2017-05-22
- Publisher: Valor Academy
- Tags: home, tofile, set3, link
- ISBN: 0998919101
- Link:
Id: gatto-09
Id: gawande-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Being Mortal
- Subtitle: Medicine and What Matters in the End
- Author: Gawande, Atul
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Metropolitan Books
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 15069990
Id: gawande-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Checklist Manifesto
- Subtitle: How to Get Things Right
- Author: Gawande, Atul
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
- Tags: important, engineering
- ASIN: 8891944
Id: gawande-03
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Checklist Manifesto
- Subtitle: How to Get Things Right
- Author: Gawande, Atul
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Picador
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 9780312430009
- ASIN: 8891944
Id: gayauthors-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Gay Authors: Gay Stories
- Tags: home, writing, publishing, link
- Link:
Id: gaylife-about-01
Id: gaytantra-01
Id: gcstar-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: GCstar, personal collections manager
- Tags: home, a/v, link, video, link
- Link:
Id: gebru-01
Id: geekwire-01
Id: gegenschatz-01
Id: gene-01
Id: genuinejustice-01
Id: geocities-01
Id: gerrold-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Man Who Folded Himself
- Author: Gerrold, David
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: BenBella Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1932100040
- ASIN: 81718
Id: gesing-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Javascript for the World Wide Web (Visual QuickStart
- Author: Gesing, Ted
- Date: 1997
- Publisher: Peachpit Pr (1997), 182 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 020168814X
- ASIN: 13484
Id: getmiro-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: Miro - free, open source internet tv and video player
- Tags: home, a/v, link, video, link
- Link:
Id: getpocket-01
Id: getpocket-02
Id: ghouldrool-01
Id: giantrisk-01
Id: gibson-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Agency
- Author: Gibson, William
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 19534477
Id: gibson-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Peripheral
- Author: Gibson, William
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 14850872
Id: gigaom-01
Id: gilbert-01
Id: gilbert-02
Id: gilens-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest
Groups, and Average Citizens
- Author: Gilens, Martin
- Date: 2014-09-18
- Tags: article
- Link:
- AltLink:
- Annote: See:
Id: giler-01
Id: gimbutas-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe
- Subtitle: Myths and Cult Images
- Author: Gimbutas, Marija
- Date: 2007
- Publisher: University of California Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0520253981
- ASIN: 383278
Id: gimbutas-02
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: The Language of the Goddess
- Subtitle: Unearthing the Hidden Symbols of Western Civilization
- Author: Gimbutas, Marija Alseikaite
- Date: 1989
- Publisher: Harper & Row (1989), 388 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0500014809
- ASIN: 51058
Id: git-or-cz-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Git - Fast Version Control System
- Tags: toolsw, other, link
- Link:
Id: github-01
Id: github-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: GitHub - barrymac/timbank: A grails based web application for
managing timebanks
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: github-03
Id: github-04
Id: github-05
Id: github-06
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: brikis98/infrastructure-as-code-talk
- Subtitle: Sample code for the talk Infrastructure-as-code: running
microservices on AWS with Docker, ECS, and Terraform
- Tags: current, set2019, link
- Link:
Id: github-07
Id: github-08
Id: github-09
Id: github-10
Id: github-11
Id: github-12
Id: givemegayporn-01
Id: gizmag-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The Air Car - zero pollution and very low running costs -
gizmag Article
- Tags: home, electriccar, link
- Link:
Id: gjukebox-sourceforge-01
Id: gk-gk-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Geek 2 Geek Home Page
- Tags: home, tofile, set2010, link
- Link:
Id: glattfelder-01
Id: globalresearch-01
Id: glumbert-01
Id: gnu-01
Id: gnu-02
Id: gnu-03
Id: gnu-04
Id: gnu-05
Id: gnupg-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The GNU Privacy Guard -
- Tags: toolsw, security, gnupg, link
- Link:
Id: go-berniesanders-01
Id: goalzero-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Official Goal Zero Site; Portable Solar Power; 30 Day Money
Back Guarantee
- Tags: home, tofile, set2011, link
- Link:
Id: godin-01
Id: godin-02
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Why You've Been Lied to About Where to Put Your Time, Energy,
& Focus
- Subtitle: Seth Godin on Impact Theory
- Author: Godin, Seth
- Authors: Tom Bilyeu
- Date: 2020-12-01
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Id: goes-noaa-01
Id: gojko-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Sprints, marathons and root canals
- Tags: tools, sre, link
- Link:
Id: gojko-02
Id: gojko-03
Id: golang-01
Id: goldratt-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: It's Not Luck
- Author: Goldratt, Eliyahu M.
- Date: 1994
- Publisher: North River Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780884271154
- ASIN: 228270
Id: goldratt-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Goal 3th (third) edition Text Only
- Author: Goldratt, Eliyahu M.
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: The North River Press
- Edition: 3rd
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0884271781
- ASIN: 774
Id: goldratt-03
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Theory of Constraints
- Author: Goldratt, Eliyahu M.
- Date: 1999
- Publisher: North River Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780884271666
- ASIN: 493677
Id: goleman-01
Id: goodall-01
Id: google-01
Id: google-02
Id: google-03
Id: google-04
Id: google-05
Id: google-06
Id: google-07
Id: google-08
Id: google-09
Id: google-10
Id: google-11
Id: google-12
Id: google-13
Id: google-14
Id: google-15
Id: google-16
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Google Webmaster Central. Get data about crawling, indexing
and search traffic. Increase traffic to your site.
- Tags: home, link
- Link:
Id: google-17
Id: google-18
Id: google-19
Id: google-20
Id: google-21
Id: google-22
Id: google-23
Id: google-24
Id: google-25
Id: google-26
Id: google-27
Id: google-28
Id: google-29
Id: google-30
Id: google-31
Id: google-32
Id: google-33
Id: google-34
Id: google-35
Id: google-36
Id: google-37
Id: google-38
Id: google-39
Id: google-40
Id: google-41
Id: google-42
Id: google-github-01
Id: googlechrome-github-01
Id: gordon-01
Id: gordonlesti-01
Id: gotgoldreport-01
Id: goto-docker-01
Id: gould-01
Id: gov-uk-01
Id: govtrack-01
Id: gpg-win-01
Id: gphoto-sourceforge-01
Id: grabhorn-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Dear God! What's Happening to Us?
- Subtitle: Halting Eons of Manipulation: Halting Aeons of
- Author: Grabhorn, Lynn
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing Co (2003), 192 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1571743847
- ASIN: 1432009
Id: graeber-01
Id: graeber-02
Id: graeber-03
Id: graeber-04
Id: graeber-05
Id: graeber-06
Id: graeber-07
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Bullshit Jobs
- Subtitle: A Theory
- Author: Graeber, David
- Date: 2018
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 21372389
Id: graeber-08
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Debt
- Subtitle: The First 5,000 Years
- Author: Graeber, David
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Melville House
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 1933633867
- ASIN: 9530527
Id: graeber-09
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Bullshit Jobs
- Subtitle: A Theory
- Author: Graeber, David
- Date: 2018
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster
- Tags: book, book
- ASIN: 21372389
- Link:
Id: graeber-10
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Debt
- Subtitle: The First 5,000 Years
- Author: Graeber, David
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Melville House
- Tags: book, book, commons
- ISBN: 978-1933633-86-2
- Link:
Id: graeber-11
Id: graeber-12
Id: grammarly-01
Id: granitegrok-01
Id: grant-01
Id: graphite-wikidot-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Graphite: Graphite - Enterprise Scalable Realtime
- Tags: toolsw, appweb, nagios, link
- Link:
Id: graves-01
Id: greektragedy-01
Id: green-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Passive Income
- Subtitle: 40 Ideas to Launch Your Online Business Including Blogging,
Ecommerce, Dropshipping, Photography, Affiliate Marketing and Amazon
- Author: Green, David J
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868227
Id: green-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Fault in Our Stars
- Author: Green, John
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Penguin Books
- Edition: Rep.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 014242417X
- ASIN: 11456497
Id: greensolutions-01
Id: greenwald-01
Id: griffith-01
Id: grittv-01
Id: grof-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Adventure of Self-Discovery
- Subtitle: Dimensions of Consciousness and New Perspectives in
Psychotherapy and Inner Exploration (SUNY Series in Transpersonal and
Humanistic Psychology)
- Author: Grof, Stanislav
- Date: 1988
- Publisher: State Univ of New York Pr (1988), 342 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0887065414
- ASIN: 278036
Id: grof-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Holotropic Mind
- Subtitle: The Three Levels of Human Consciousness and How They Shape
Our Lives
- Author: Grof, Stanislav
- Date: 1993
- Publisher: HarperOne
- Edition: Rep.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780062506597
- ASIN: 186253
Id: gross-01
Id: grossman-01
Id: groups-google-01
Id: groups-google-02
Id: groups-google-03
Id: groups-myspace-01
Id: groups-yahoo-01
Id: groups-yahoo-03
Id: groups-yahoo-04
Id: groups-yahoo-05
Id: groups-yahoo-06
Id: gsprestoration-01
Id: guggenberger-01
Id: guidingtech-01
Id: guillebeau-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Art of Non-Conformity
- Subtitle: Set Your Own Rules, Live the Life You Want, and Change the
World (Perigee Book.)
- Author: Guillebeau, Chris
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 10387865
Id: gutenberg-01
Id: gyroscopes-01
Id: haakonson-01
Id: hackaday-01
Id: hackerspace-blueprint-01
Id: haidt-01
Id: haidt-02
Id: haidt-03
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Righteous Mind
- Subtitle: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
- Author: Haidt, Jonathan
- Date: 2012-03-13
- Link:
Id: haidt-04
Id: hallsmith-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Creating Wealth
- Subtitle: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies
- Author: Hallsmith, Gwendolyn
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: New Society Publishers
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 11106868
Id: hamill-01
- Type: media
- Media: Blu-ray
- Title: Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI)
- Author: Hamill, Mark
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: 20th Century Fox (2011)
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 14127031
Id: hammerhead-sourceforge-01
Id: hanauer-01
Id: hanauer-02
Id: hancock-01
Id: hancock-02
Id: handpen-01
Id: handpen-02
Id: hanks-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Bridge of Spies DVD
- Author: Hanks, Tom
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Walt Disney Studios (2016)
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 16665129
Id: hanks-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Punchline
- Author: Hanks, Tom
- Date: 1988
- Publisher: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (2002)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0767881354
- ASIN: 14256928
Id: harari-01
Id: harari-02
Id: harari-03
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: This Election Will Tear The Country Apart! AI Will Control You
By 2034!
- Author: Harari, Yuval Noah
- Date: 2024-09-05
- Publisher: The Diary Of A CEO
- Link:
Id: harbin-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Harbin Hot Springs - Retreat & Workshop Center
- Tags: home, health, link
- Link:
Id: hardin-01
Id: hardin-02
Id: hardware-redhat-01
Id: hardware-slashdot-01
Id: hari-01
Id: harold-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: XML in a Nutshell, Third Edition
- Author: Harold, Elliotte Rusty
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596007647
Id: harpers-01
Id: harpers-02
Id: harrys-01
Id: hattenstone-01
Id: hawken-01
Id: hawks-01
Id: hebig-01
Id: hedges-01
Id: hedrick-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Dumbbell Training
- Author: Hedrick, Allen
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Human Kinetics, Inc.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 145044458X
- ASIN: 14802141
Id: heliconarts-01
Id: help-eclipse-01
Id: help-godaddy-01
Id: help-godaddy-02
Id: help-ubuntu-01
Id: help-ubuntu-02
Id: help-ubuntu-03
Id: help-ubuntu-04
Id: helpguide-01
Id: helpguide-02
Id: hemenway-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: The Little Book of Eastern Wisdom
- Subtitle: Sufi, Tao, Zen
- Author: Hemenway, Priya
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Barnes & Noble (2003), 152 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0760745048
- ASIN: 46223
Id: henley-01
Id: hennapage-01
Id: hennatattoos-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Henna - Your Informative & Interactive
Henna Body Art Website.
- Tags: home, buy, link
- Link:
Id: hennessyhammock-01
Id: henrich-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The WEIRDest People in the World
- Subtitle: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and
Particularly Prosperous
- Author: Henrich, Joseph
- Date: 2020-09-08
- Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (September 8, 2020)
- Link:
Id: herbenick-01
Id: herbert-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Dune: Legends, Heroes, Schools
- Subtitle: The Butlerian Jihad, The Machine Crusade, The Battle of
Corrin, Paul of Dune, The Winds of Dune, Sisterhood of Dune, Mentats of
Dune, Navigators of Dune
- Author: Herbert, Brian
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 23857273
Id: hertz-01
Id: hexayurt-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: Hexayurt Project
- Tags: home, make, maker, link
- Link:
Id: hieronimus-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Secret Life of Lady Liberty
- Subtitle: Goddess in the New World
- Author: Hieronimus, Robert
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 18342659
Id: hildebrandt-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Book of Postfix
- Subtitle: State-of-the-Art Message Transport
- Author: Hildebrandt, Ralf
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: No Starch Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1593270011
- ASIN: 735318
Id: hillbarntheatre-01
Id: hillis-01
Id: hines-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C (SimpleFrugal Photo
- Author: Hines, Cheryl
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: SimpleFrugal Publications
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 15927910
Id: hinessight-blogs-01
Id: hisroom-01
Id: hiss-01
Id: hoagland-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Subtitle: The Secret History of NASA
- Author: Hoagland, Richard C.
- Date: 2007
- Publisher: Feral House
- Edition: CONTR
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1932595260
- ASIN: 4294102
Id: hobbyhydro-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Hydroponics - The guide to hydroponic gardening; The
Hydroponics Guide
- Tags: home, eco, link
- Link:
Id: hoehn-01
Id: hogan-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Catastrophes, Chaos & Convolutions
- Author: Hogan, James P.
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Baen (2005), 496 pages
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 1416509216
- ASIN: 463794
Id: hogan-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Echoes of an Alien Sky
- Author: Hogan, James P.
- Date: 2008
- Publisher: Baen (2008), 432 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1416555323
- ASIN: 2318312
Id: holdfastrwc-01
Id: holdman-01
Id: hollywoodcamerawork-01
Id: holman-01
Id: holman-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Definitive XSL-FO
- Author: Holman, G. Ken
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0131403745
- ASIN: 1284791
Id: holophonicsounds-01
Id: holoscience-01
Id: holoscience-02
Id: holtz-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: How to Start and Run a Writing and Editing Business
- Author: Holtz, Herman
- Date: 1992
- Publisher: Wiley
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0471548316
- ASIN: 1034529
Id: holzer-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Desert or Paradise
- Subtitle: Restoring Endangered Landscapes Using Water Management,
Including Lake and Pond Construction
- Author: Holzer, Sepp
- Date: 2012-11-15
- Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 1603584641
- Link:
Id: home-01
Id: homedepot-01
Id: homefires-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: The Journal of Home Schooling Online
- Tags: home, homeschool, link
- Link:
Id: homeguides-sfgate-01
Id: homelandstupidity-01
Id: homelandstupidity-02
Id: homeschooloasis-01
Id: homeschoolzone-01
Id: honestedu-01
Id: hopkins-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Red Dragon
- Author: Hopkins, Anthony
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0783268807
Id: horn-01
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Intrigue - How to Create Interest and Connect with Anyone
- Subtitle: Sam Horn at TEDxBethesdaWomen
- Author: Horn, Sam
- Tags: misc, link, old:youtube-141
- Link:
Id: hosmanek-01
Id: hosted-webs-01
Id: hotcold-01
Id: hotjobs-01
Id: hotjobs-02
Id: hotscripts-01
Id: hotscripts-02
Id: housingfirsteurope-01
Id: howtoforge-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: How To Integrate Samba (File Sharing) Using Active Directory
For Authentication; HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
- Tags: toolsw, appwindows, samba, link
- Link:
Id: howtoforge-02
Id: howtoforge-03
Id: howtoforge-04
Id: howtogeek-01
Id: howtoread-me-01
Id: hsu-01
Id: html-up-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: HTML5 UP! Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Site Templates
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: htmlhelp-01
Id: htmlhelp-02
Id: htps-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: htps://
- Tags: trustedid, link
- Link: htps://
Id: httpd-apache-01
Id: httpd-apache-02
Id: htwins-01
Id: huber-01
Id: hubic-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: hubiC: Online storage for all your files -
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: hudson-01
Id: hudson-02
Id: huffingtonpost-01
Id: hugsamsterdam-01
Id: humble-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
- Author: Humble, Jim
- Date: 2007
- Publisher: Jim V. Humble
- Edition: 2nd
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0979288444
- ASIN: 5730611
Id: hurricaneballs-01
Id: hurt-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Dune (Special Edition, Director's Cut)
- Author: Hurt, William
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: B0000639EV
Id: hush-technologies-01
Id: hyde-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Gift
- Subtitle: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property
- Author: Hyde, Lewis
- Date: 1983
- Publisher: Vintage Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0394715195
- ASIN: 258760
Id: hylo-01
Id: hypponen-01
Id: ia-01
Id: iahf-01
Id: iamcoop-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: iTooLL: Indy Tool Lending Library; Indy Art; Media Co-op
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: ibm-01
Id: ic-01
Id: ic-02
Id: icecast-01
Id: icinga-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: Home - Open Source Monitoring
- Tags: toolsw, appweb, icinga, link
- Link:
Id: icke-01
Id: iconoclast-01
Id: ideas-ted-01
Id: ideas-ted-02
Id: identitytheft-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: - Identity Theft Prevention and
- Tags: work, trustedid, link
- Link:
Id: idquantique-01
Id: ifpeople-01
Id: illich-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Deschooling Society
- Subtitle: Social Questions
- Author: Illich, Ivan
- Date: 1995
- Publisher: Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0714508799
- ASIN: 165351
Id: illuminatewithout-01
Id: imagemagick-01
Id: imarisha-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Octavia's Brood
- Author: Imarisha, Walidah
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: AK Press
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 15863539
Id: imdb-01
Id: imdb-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
- Tags: reference, trivia, link
- Link:
Id: impactjustice-01
Id: impeachforpeace-01
Id: improveverywhere-01
Id: incrtcl-sourceforge-01
Id: incrtcl-sourceforge-02
Id: incrtcl-sourceforge-03
Id: incrtcl-sourceforge-04
Id: indeed-01
Id: indiegogo-01
Id: indiegogo-02
Id: indiegogo-03
Id: individual-utoronto-01
Id: indooraerobatics-01
Id: infoq-01
Id: infortech-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: INFORTECH - Managed IT Services & Products
- Tags: work, itsupport, link
- Link:
Id: infoworld-01
Id: inhabitat-01
Id: inkscape-01
Id: inlineskating-about-01
Id: inlineskating-about-02
Id: innocentive-01
Id: insightmeditationcenter-01
Id: instructables-01
Id: instructables-02
Id: intentionalcomm-meetup-01
Id: intentionalcomm-meetup-02
Id: interestingsolution-01
Id: internetmanifesto-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Welcome to The Internet Manifesto AKA Thomas Leavitt's Home
- Tags: home, tofile, set2, link
- Link:
Id: ioncannon-01
Id: ip-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: I2P Anonymous Network - I2P
- Tags: home, make, crypt, link
- Link:
Id: ip-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Foolproof
- Subtitle: Why Safety Can Be Dangerous and How Danger Makes Us
- Author: Ip, Greg
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
- Tags: engineering
- ASIN: 16059679
Id: ipcop-01
Id: iptel-now-01
Id: isgtw-01
Id: itc-01
Id: iupui-01
Id: ivanova-01
Id: iyer-01
Id: jackit-sourceforge-01
Id: jacobs-01
Id: jakubowski-01
Id: jakubowski-02
Id: james-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: A Fishkeeper's Guide to Aquarium Plants
- Subtitle: A Superbly Illustrated Guide to Growing Healthy Aquarium
Plants, Featuring over 60 Species (Fishkeeper's Guide Series)
- Author: James, Barry
- Date: 1986
- Publisher: Salamander Books Ltd (1986), 120 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0861012070
- ASIN: 1135300
Id: james-onegoodcookie-01
Id: jamesphogan-01
Id: janelleorsi-01
Id: jansen-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: We Can Be Heroes
- Subtitle: A Rehab Memoir
- Author: Jansen, Chris
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: Kinchafoonee Creek
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868231
Id: japaneseaddresses-01
Id: jareva-01
Id: java-01
Id: java-sun-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Java(TM) Technology
- Tags: toolsw, language, java, link
- Link:
Id: jbwb-01
Id: jengadog-01
Id: jensen-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Feminism's Challenge
- Subtitle: Articulating Alternatives To Unsustainable Hierarchies
- Author: Jensen, Robert
- Date: 2009-03-12
- Publisher: Counter Currents
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: jeremijenko-01
Id: jerryrig-01
Id: jinglebells-01
Id: jliljebl-github-01
Id: jobsearch-monster-01
Id: jobvite-01
Id: joebageant-01
Id: johnson-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Ecstasy
- Author: Johnson, Robert A.
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: HarperCollins
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 102235
Id: johnson-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Ecstasy
- Subtitle: Understanding the Psychology of Joy
- Author: Johnson, Robert A.
- Date: 1987
- Publisher: Harper
- Edition: Ill.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0062504320
- ASIN: 102235
Id: johnson-03
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Gay Spirituality
- Subtitle: The Role of Gay Identity and the Transformation of Human
Consciousness (White Crane Spirituality Series)
- Author: Johnson, Toby
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: Lethe Press
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 498508
Id: johnson-04
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Inner Work
- Subtitle: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal
- Author: Johnson, Robert A.
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: HarperCollins
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 102799
Id: johnson-05
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Living Your Unlived Life
- Subtitle: Coping with Unrealized Dreams and Fulfilling Your Purpose
in the Second Half ofLife
- Author: Johnson, Robert A.
- Date: 2007
- Publisher: Penguin Group US
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 3558033
Id: johnson-06
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Ecstasy
- Subtitle: Understanding the Psychology of Joy
- Author: Johnson, Robert A.
- Date: 1987
- Publisher: Harper
- Edition: Ill.
- Tags: book, book
- ISBN: 0062504320
- ASIN: 102235
- Link:
Id: johnson-07
Id: johnson-08
Id: johnson-09
Id: jolicloud-01
Id: jones-02
Id: jones-03
Id: joot-01
Id: jpl-nasa-01
Id: jpl-nasa-02
Id: jukedeck-01
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Jukedeck - Create unique, royalty-free soundtracks for your
- Tags: video, link
- Link:
Id: junauza-01
Id: junk-01
Id: just-gov-01
Id: justin-yackoski-name-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: HOWTO - Print to a windows printer from linux WITHOUT needing
any linux printer drivers/PPDs.
- Tags: home, tofile, set7, link
- Link:
Id: k-19
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: K-19 the widowmaker
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Paramount Pictures
- Address: Hollywood, CA
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0792182065
- ASIN: 4150075
Id: k-linux-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: K12Linux in Schools Project - Home Page
- Tags: home, tofile, set1, link
- Link:
Id: kahneman-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Thinking, Fast and Slow
- Author: Kahneman, Daniel
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 11559588
Id: kanat-alexander-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Code Simplicity
- Subtitle: The Fundamentals of Software
- Author: Kanat-Alexander, Max
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: OReilly Media - A
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 12446105
Id: karas-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Changing the World
- Subtitle: One Relationship at a Time: Focused Listening for Mutual
Support & Empowerment (Personal Power)
- Author: Karas, Sheryl
- Date: 1998
- Publisher: Crossing Pr
- Edition: 893rd
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0895949458
- ASIN: 4863077
Id: karas-02
Id: kashtan-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Highest Common Denominator
- Subtitle: Using Convergent Facilitation to Reach Breakthrough
Collaborative Decisions
- Author: Kashtan, Miki
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: Fearless Heart Publication
- Address: P.O. Box 22872, Oakland, CA 94609
- ISBN: 9780990007364
- Link:
Id: katerinaptrv-01
Id: katwallks-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: Katwallks Cat Furniture Cat Trees Cat Tree
- Tags: home, tofile, set7, link
- Link:
Id: kaufman-01
Id: kauth-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: We Need Each Other
- Subtitle: Building Gift Community
- Author: Kauth, Bill
- Authors: Zow Alowan
- Date: 2011-09-09
- Edition: 9th
- Publisher: Silver Light Publications (2011), 166 pages
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0974489093
- ASIN: 22562926
- Link:
Id: kavaro-01
Id: kawasaki-01
Id: kb-mozillazine-01
Id: kb-vmware-01
Id: keaton-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Speechless
- Author: Keaton, Michael
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: MGM (Video & DVD) (2001)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0792851722
- ASIN: 17045985
Id: keaton-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Dream Team
- Author: Keaton, Michael
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 16557420
Id: keepass-01
Id: kennedy-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Occupy Money
- Subtitle: Creating an Economy where Everybody Wins
- Author: Kennedy, Margrit
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: New Society Publishers (2012), 131 pages
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 13116531
Id: kenton-01
Id: kerpoof-01
Id: kevin-vanzonneveld-01
Id: kickstarter-01
Id: kickstarter-02
Id: kickstarter-03
Id: killermann-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Social Justice Advocate's Handbook
- Subtitle: A Guide to Gender
- Author: Killermann, Sam
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Impetus Books
- Edition: 8.5.2013
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0989760200
- ASIN: 14241657
Id: kimmerer-01
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: Braiding Sweetgrass
- Subtitle: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings
of Plants
- Author: Kimmerer, Robin Wall
- Tags: heal, book, important, book
- Link:
Id: kinderteacher-01
Id: kindle-amazon-01
Id: king-01
Id: king-02
Id: kingarthurflour-01
Id: kirk-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Shaper's Chronicles
- Subtitle: Shaper's War
- Author: Kirk Jr, Dan R.
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: CDEJR Web Services, Inc/Gay Authors
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868232
Id: kirk-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Shapers Chronicles
- Subtitle: The Wreckers
- Author: Kirk, Dan
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: (2006), 261 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1411643577
- ASIN: 1353689
Id: kitsusa-01
Id: kiyosaki-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Subtitle: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money-That the Poor
and the Middle Class Do Not!
- Author: Kiyosaki, Robert T.
- Date: 2000
- Publisher: Business Plus
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0446677450
- ASIN: 12716
Id: klaas-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Corruptible
- Subtitle: Who Gets Power and How It Changes Us
- Author: Klaas, Brian
- Date: 2021-11-09
- Publisher: Scribner
- ISBN: 1982154101
- Link:
Id: klaas-02
Id: klein-01
Id: klein-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: This Changes Everything
- Subtitle: Capitalism vs. The Climate
- Author: Klein, Naomi
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 15229925
Id: klein-03
Id: klein-05
Id: klett-01
Id: knight-01
Id: knols-01
Id: knopper-01
Id: knoppix-01
Id: koeln-ccc-01
Id: komisar-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Monk and the Riddle: The Art of Creating a Life While
Making a Living
- Author: Komisar, Randy
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9781578516445
- ASIN: 27248
Id: konda-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Just Spring
- Subtitle: A Lightweight Introduction to the Spring Framework
- Author: Konda, Madhusudhan
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1449306403
Id: korten-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: The Great Turning
- Subtitle: From Empire to Earth Community
- Author: Korten, David C.
- Date: 2006-06-01
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler
- Tags: d, important, old:korten-04
- ISBN: 1887208070
- Link:
Id: korten-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Great Turning
- Subtitle: From Empire to Earth Community
- Author: Korten, David C.
- Date: 2007-10-14
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler
- Tags: h, book, book, old:korten-08
- Link:
Id: korten-03
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Great Turning
- Subtitle: From Empire to Earth Community
- Author: Korten, David C
- Date: 2006-05-14
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Tags: c, important, main
- Link:
Id: korten-04
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Agenda for a New Economy
- Subtitle: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth
- Author: Korten, David C.
- Date: 2009-02-01
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Tags: a, biblio, old:korten-01
- ISBN: 9781605092898
- Link:
Id: korten-05
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Change the Story, Change the Future
- Subtitle: A Living Economy for a Living Earth
- Author: Korten, David C.
- Date: 2015-02-02
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Tags: g, book, book, old:korten-07
- Link:
Id: korten-06
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Post-Corporate World
- Subtitle: Life After Capitalism
- Author: Korten, David C.
- Date: 2000
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Tags: e, biblio, old:korten-05
- ISBN: 1887208038
- Link:
- ASIN: 555122
Id: korten-07
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: When Corporations Rule the World
- Author: Korten, David C.
- Date: 2001-05-10
- Publisher: Kumarian Press
- Edition: 2nd
- Tags: f, important, old:korten-06
- ISBN: 1887208046
- Link:
Id: korten-08
Id: korten-09
Id: kosmosjournal-01
Id: kovacs-01
Id: kqed-01
Id: kramer-01
Id: kristy-01
Id: kron-01
Id: kronia-01
Id: kronia-02
Id: kropotkin-01
Id: kropotkin-02
Id: kruger-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Brothers Grimm
- Author: Kruger, Ehren
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Dimension Home Video (Distributed by Buena Vista Home
- Address: Burbank, CA
- Tags: video
- ISBN: 0788863142
- ASIN: 2969090
- Annote: See:
Id: kti-mff-cuni-cz-01
Id: kuki-me-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Kuki Linux
- Tags: toolhw, laptops, aspireone, link
- Link:
Id: kulfx-01
Id: kumar-01
Id: kunstler-01
Id: kuro-hin-01
Id: kurzweil-01
Id: lafayettemorehouse-01
Id: lafayettemorehouse-02
Id: lafont-01
Id: laine-01
Id: lalich-01
Id: laminarflow-01
Id: lamport-azurewebsites-01
Id: landandfarm-01
Id: landing-google-01
Id: landing-google-02
Id: landing-google-03
Id: landing-google-04
Id: landsurveys-01
Id: lang-01
Id: languageofcompassion-01
Id: lanier-01
Id: lanier-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: You Are Not a Gadget
- Author: Lanier, Jaron
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Vintage
- Edition: Rep.
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 8749061
Id: lanier-03
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto
- Author: Lanier, Jaron
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: Knopf
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0307269647
- ASIN: 8749061
Id: lanier-04
Id: lanier-05
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Who Owns the Future?
- Author: Lanier, Jaron
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster
- Tags: book, book, old:economy-01
- ASIN: 13581455
- Link:
Id: lanier-06
Id: lanlinkup-01
Id: laptop-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Laptop: A learning tool created expressly for the world's
poorest children - One Laptop per Child (OLPC)
- Tags: home, tofile, set8, link
- Link:
Id: larsen-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: In Search of Stardust: Amazing Micrometeorites and Their
Terrestrial Imposters
- Author: Larsen, Jon
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Voyageur Press (2017), 152 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 076035264X
- ASIN: 19780284
Id: latheofdreams-01
Id: latimes-01
Id: latimes-02
Id: laurie-01
Id: laurie-02
Id: lawrence-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Lady Chatterley's Lover (Giunti classics)
- Author: Lawrence, D. H.
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Giunti
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 17336
Id: le-01
Id: leakey-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: The Sixth Extinction
- Subtitle: Patterns of Life and the Future of Humankind
- Author: Leakey, Richard E.
- Authors: Roger Lewin
- Date: 1995-09-01
- Publisher: Doubleday
- ISBN: 0385424973
- Link:
Id: learn-01
Id: learn-02
Id: learn-hashicorp-01
Id: learner-01
Id: ledcube-01
Id: lee-01
Id: leenissdk-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Fast Artificial Neural Network Library
- Tags: toolsw, appdesktop, neuralnet, link
- Link:
Id: leipzig-01
Id: lendman-01
Id: leog-01
Id: leonhardt-01
Id: lessig-01
Id: lessig-02
Id: lessig-03
Id: lethimstay-01
Id: levenson-91
Id: levine-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Resisting Illegitimate Authority
- Subtitle: A thinking person's guide to being an
anti-authoritarian–strategies, tools, and models
- Author: Levine, Bruce E.
- Date: 2018
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1608824969
Id: levitt-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Freakonomics (Revised Edition)
- Author: Levitt, Steven D
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: William Morrow
- Edition: Rev.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0061234001
- ASIN: 675
Id: levy-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Primal Panacea
- Author: Levy MD JD, Thomas E .
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Medfox Publishing
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868235
Id: lewis-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Fluent in 3 Months: How Anyone at Any Age Can Learn to Speak
Any Language from Anywhere in the World
- Author: Lewis, Benny
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: HarperOne
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0062282697
- ASIN: 14836356
Id: liberty-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Programming C#, Third Edition
- Author: Liberty, Jesse
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596004893
Id: libertyamendment-01
Id: librenix-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Tutorial: Install 32-bit plugins in 64-bit Firefox
- Tags: toolsw, platform, centos, firefox-32bit, link
- Link:
Id: lichtenfels-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Temple of Love
- Author: Lichtenfels, Sabine
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Verlag Meiga (2011), 276 pages
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 3927266442
- ASIN: 26862717
Id: lichtenfels-02
Id: lichtenfels-03
Id: lietaer-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Rethinking Money: How New Currencies Turn Scarcity into
Prosperity (BK Currents)
- Author: Lietaer, Bernard
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 13543038
Id: lightningbikes-01
Id: lim-01
Id: linder-01
Id: linkedin-01
Id: linkedin-02
Id: linksys-01
Id: linksys-02
Id: linktv-01
Id: linux-01
Id: linux-02
Id: linux-03
Id: linux-04
Id: linux-byexamples-01
Id: linux-laptop-01
Id: linux-mag-01
Id: linux-mag-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Can VMware end Linux hardware compatibility problems?; Linux
- Tags: toolsw, vmware, link
- Link:
Id: linux-mag-03
Id: linux-usb-01
Id: linux-usb-02
Id: linuxcertified-01
Id: linuxdevices-01
Id: linuxfromscratch-01
Id: linuxhomenetworking-01
Id: linuxjournal-01
Id: linuxprinting-01
Id: linuxprinting-02
Id: linuxquestions-01
Id: linuxquestions-02
Id: linuxtv-01
Id: liquibase-01
Id: lists-balabit-hu-01
Id: little-01
Id: little-02
Id: liu-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Remembrance of Earth's Past
- Subtitle: The Three-Body Trilogy (The Three-Body Problem, The Dark
Forest, Death's End)
- Author: Liu, Cixin
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 19264016
Id: liu-02
Id: live-01
Id: livescience-01
Id: livingeconomies-01
Id: livingeconomies-02
Id: localhost-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Common UNIX Printing System
- Tags: folder, home, homelan, link
- Link: http://localhost:631/
Id: localhost-02
Id: loeb-01
Id: logicsupply-01
Id: logicsupply-02
Id: login-yahoo-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Yahoo! Mail
- Tags: folder, home, link
- Link:
Id: logix-cz-01
Id: longnow-01
Id: longnow-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Introduction - 10,000 Year Clock - The Long Now
- Tags: misc, link
- Link:
Id: lonsdale-01
Id: lookup-ws-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Free Domain Owner Report - Check domain ownership, renewal
dates, and DNS Servers
- Tags: folder, reference, link
- Link:
Id: lopez-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Giving Birth to Thunder, Sleeping with His Daughter: Coyote
Builds North America
- Author: Lopez, Barry
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Open Road Media
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 281957
Id: lopez-02
Id: lordants-01
Id: lorde-01
Id: lorenzod-n-wordpress-01
Id: lortone-01
Id: loudnesswar-01
Id: lovelock-01
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: The Revenge of Gaia
- Subtitle: Earth's Climate Crisis & The Fate of Humanity
- Author: Lovelock, James
- Tags: book, important, book
- Link:
Id: lovesedona-01
Id: lowtechmagazine-01
Id: lowtechmagazine-02
Id: lowtechmagazine-03
Id: lowtechmagazine-04
Id: ludvigsen-01
Id: lufwiki-pbwiki-01
Id: lugosi-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Dracula (Universal Studios Classic Monster Collection)
- Author: Lugosi, Bela
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0783227450
- ASIN: 1363865
Id: lulu-01
Id: lulu-02
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: - Publishing Projects
- Tags: folder, home, cookbook, pyo, lulu, paypal, link
- Link:
Id: lulu-03
Id: lulu-04
Id: lulu-05
Id: lulu-06
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: - Self Publishing - Free
- Tags: home, tofile, set5, link
- Link:
Id: lulu-07
Id: luna-01
Id: lwks-01
Id: lwks-02
Id: lwks-03
Id: lwks-04
Id: lwks-05
Id: lysistrataproject-01
Id: m-facebook-01
Id: mackenzie-01
Id: mackenzie-02
Id: mackenzie-03
Id: mackenzie-04
Id: mackenzie-05
Id: macles-blogspot-01
Id: macosxhints-01
Id: macy-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Coming back to life
- Subtitle: the updated guide to the work that reconnects
- Author: Macy, Joanna
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Gabriola Island, BC, Canada : New Society Publishers,
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 1550925806
- ASIN: 1401243
Id: maddow-01
Id: magicdragon-01
Id: maharishivediccity-01
Id: mail-archive-01
Id: mail-google-01
Id: mail-google-02
Id: mail-google-03
Id: mail-google-04
Id: mail-google-05
Id: mailleartisans-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League -
- Tags: home, make, chainmail, link
- Link:
Id: mailleartisans-02
Id: makershed-01
Id: makeuseof-01
Id: makexyz-01
Id: makezine-01
Id: malidoma-01
Id: maloney-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Finding the Way Home: Poems of Awakening and Transformation
(Companions for the Journey)
- Author: Maloney, Dennis
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: White Pine Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1935210122
- ASIN: 10160462
Id: maloney-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Finding the Way Home: Poems of Awakening and Transformation
(Companions for the Journey)
- Author: Maloney, Dennis
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: White Pine Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1935210122
- ASIN: 10160462
Id: mancuso-01
Id: mangano-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: XSLT Cookbook
- Author: Mangano, Sal
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596003722
Id: manning-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: King Perry (The Lost and Founds) (Volume 1)
- Author: Manning, Edmond
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Pickwick Ink Press
- Edition: 2nd
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0997860898
- ASIN: 12527666
Id: manplays-01
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Man plays every instrument and sings every part of Bohemian
- Tags: video
- Link:
Id: manscaped-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: Manscaped Perfect Package 2.0 Men's Grooming Kit -
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: mapquest-01
Id: maps-google-01
Id: maps-ngdc-noaa-01
Id: marchese-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Montale : la ricerca dell'altro
- Author: Marchese, Angelo
- Date: 2000
- Publisher: Messaggero
- Address: Padova
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 8825008074
- ASIN: 26862747
Id: margonelli-01
Id: margulis-01
Id: margulis-02
Id: margulis-03
Id: margulis-04
Id: marketplace-secondlife-01
Id: marschall-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook
- Author: Marschall, Matthias
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Packt Publishing
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 14596189
Id: marsh-01
Id: martin-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Cheaper by the Dozen
- Author: Martin, Steve
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: 20th Century Fox (2004)
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 8196936
Id: martyhalpern-blogspot-01
Id: mashable-01
Id: mashable-02
Id: masterclass-01
Id: math-rejecta-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Rejecta Mathematica; Caveat Emptor
- Tags: home, electricuniverse, link
- Link:
Id: mathieubich-01
Id: matlin-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: What the Bleep!? - Down the Rabbit Hole
- Author: Matlin, Marlee
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: 20th Century Fox
- Edition: Sp.
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 8208756
Id: matson-01
Id: maughan-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Ghost Hardware
- Author: Maughan, Tim
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 24704954
Id: maughan-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Infinite Detail
- Author: Maughan, Tim
- Date: 2019
- Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 22351907
Id: mavichelp-01
Id: mavicpilots-01
Id: maxim-ic-01
Id: maxim-ic-02
Id: maxim-ic-03
Id: maxq-tigris-01
Id: mayer-schu00f6nberger
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age
- Author: Mayer-Schu00f6nberger, Viktor
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Princeton University Press (2009), 256 pages
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0691138613
- ASIN: 8721443
Id: mb-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Most Endorsed FREE Website Hosting Provider; Free Website
- Tags: home, buy, link
- Link:
Id: mb-helixstudios-01
Id: mbj-nextdoorraw-01
Id: mcalevey-01
Id: mccamant-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Cohousing
- Subtitle: A Contemporary Approach to Housing Ourselves
- Author: McCamant, Kathryn M.
- Authors: Charles Durrett, Charles W. Mooore
- Date: 1989-01-01
- Publisher: Ten Speed Press
- ISBN: 0898153069
- Link:
Id: mccloskey-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Industrious
- Author: McCloskey, Michael
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: MichaelMcCloskey (2011), 210 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0615457231
- ASIN: 12392939
Id: mccloskey-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Insidious
- Author: McCloskey, Michael
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: iUniverse (2010), 324 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1440192529
- ASIN: 10735086
Id: mccsf-01
Id: mckinley-01
Id: mcneil-01
Id: mcsweeneys-01
Id: medicallab-01
Id: medium-01
Id: medium-02
Id: medium-03
Id: medium-04
Id: medium-05
Id: medium-06
Id: medium-07
Id: medium-08
Id: medium-09
Id: medium-10
Id: medium-11
Id: medium-12
Id: medium-13
Id: medium-14
Id: meetup-01
Id: meetup-02
Id: meganslaw-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Welcome to California Megan's Law web site - CA Dept. of
Justice - Office of the Attorney General
- Tags: home, tofile, set4, link
- Link:
Id: members-aol-01
Id: members-shaw-01
Id: members-tripod-01
Id: mendelssohn-01
Id: merchantcircle-01
Id: merriam-webster-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Webster's Third New International Dictionary Unabridged
- Author: Merriam-Webster
- Date: 1992
- Publisher: Merriam-Webster
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26541514
Id: meshlab-sourceforge-01
Id: metivier-01
Id: metricmind-01
Id: meyer-01
Id: meyer-02
Id: meyer-stoll-01
Id: meyers-01
Id: mi-owa-mi-01
Id: michaelbach-01
Id: michaelparenti-01
Id: michaels-01
Id: michaels-02
Id: michaels-03
Id: michaels-04
Id: michaels-05
Id: michelleholliday-01
Id: micromenders-01
Id: microscopeworld-01
Id: microsoft-01
Id: microvision-01
Id: milgram-01
Id: milgram-02
Id: miller-01
- Type: media
- Media: Blu-ray
- Title: Apollo 11 (2019) [Blu-ray]
- Author: Miller, Todd Douglas
- Date: 2019
- Publisher: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 23240016
Id: miller-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: How To Bottom Like A Porn Star
- Author: Miller, Woody
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Woodpecker Media (2014), 136 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0989139743
- ASIN: 17874557
Id: miller-03
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Toward a New Psychology of Women 2nd Edition
- Author: Miller, Jean Baker
- Date: 2012-02-21
- Publisher: Beacon Press; 2nd edition (February 21, 2012)
- ASIN: B006Q1KBZ6
- Link:
Id: miller-04
Id: miller-05
Id: mills-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Community Fishes
- Author: Mills, Dick
- Date: 1991
- Publisher: Tetra Press (1991)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 3923880529
- ASIN: 3297273
Id: milton-01
Id: mindbodygreen-01
Id: mindmup-01
Id: minnesota-publicradio-01
Id: mirror-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The Law of Success, by Napoleon Hill
- Tags: link
- Link: mirror/misc/law-of-success-napoleon-hill.pdf
Id: mirrorprank-01
Id: mirrors-ccs-neu-01
Id: mishra-01
Id: misra-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Gender/Feminism Home Page
- Author: Misra, Roli
- Date: 2015–03-30
- Publisher: Counter Currents
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: missioncontrolsf-01
Id: mistry-01
Id: mitchell-01
Id: mitic-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Stopping Identity Theft: 10 Easy Steps to Security
- Author: Mitic, Scott
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: NOLO
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1413309569
- ASIN: 8231502
Id: mitra-01
Id: mn-01
Id: mnxsolutions-01
Id: mobilecityonline-01
Id: modernfarmer-01
Id: molyneux-01
Id: molyneux-02
Id: mom-01
Id: momfamily-01
Id: monbiot-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for an Age of Crisis
- Author: Monbiot, George
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Verso Books
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 20196684
Id: monkeyslikeshinythings-01
Id: monster-01
Id: moonmagazine-01
Id: moore-01
Id: moore-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
- Author: Moore, Robert
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: HarperCollins
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 334007
Id: moore-03
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Ocean's twelve
- Author: Moore, Michael
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Distributed by Warner Home Video
- Address: Burbank, CA
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0790795353
- ASIN: 25817620
Id: moore-04
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: On Having No Head: Seeing One's Original Nature
- Author: Moore, Michael
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1878019309
- ASIN: 17990047
Id: moore-05
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Roger & Me
- Author: Moore, Michael
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Warner Home Video (2003)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0790780232
- ASIN: 929569
Id: moore-06
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Sicko (Special Edition)
- Author: Moore, Michael
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 6303593380
Id: moore-07
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Where To Invade Next
- Author: Moore, Michael
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Lionsgate
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 17895373
Id: moore-08
Id: moore-09
Id: moore-10
Id: moria-whyayh-01
Id: moria-whyayh-02
Id: moria-whyayh-03
Id: moria-whyayh-04
Id: moria-whyayh-05
Id: moria-whyayh-06
Id: morieux-01
Id: morieux-02
Id: morrell-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Shackleton's Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Antarctic
- Author: Morrell, Margot
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Penguin Books (2002), 256 pages
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 9780142002360
- ASIN: 3787
Id: morris-01
Id: motherboard-vice-01
Id: motherboard-vice-02
Id: motherearthnews-01
Id: mountmadonna-01
Id: mountz-01
Id: mouser-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Mouser Electronics - Electronic Component Distributor
- Tags: home, make, wii, link
- Link:
Id: movedtospeak-wixsite-01
Id: movetoamend-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: We the corporations; Move to Amend
- Tags: home, political, link
- Link:
Id: movetoamend-02
Id: moveyourmoney-01
Id: mozilla-01
Id: mozilla-02
Id: mozilla-github-01
Id: mud-01
Id: mudlist-eorbit-01
Id: mumble-sourceforge-01
Id: mumford-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Ecstasy Through Tantra (Llewellyns Tantra and Sexual Arts
- Author: Mumford, Jonn
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
- Edition: Ill.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0875424945
- ASIN: 65556
Id: muq-01
Id: murphys-laws-01
Id: musicnotes-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Sheet Music Downloads & Books;
- Tags: home, buy, link
- Link:
Id: musictranscription-01
Id: musk-01
Id: my-safaribooksonline-01
Id: my-safaribooksonline-02
Id: my-safaribooksonline-03
Id: my-safaribooksonline-04
Id: myactivity-google-01
Id: mymodernmet-01
Id: mynewcompany-01
Id: myscaryeyes-01
Id: myslingstudio-01
Id: myspace-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: MySpace - Steel Rose Foundry - 100 - Female - SAN JOSE,
California -
- Tags: home, make, chainmail, link
- Link:
Id: mysrc-blogspot-01
Id: myvu-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Myvu personal media viewer; video eyewear; iPod video
- Tags: home, make, wearable, link
- Link:
Id: myvu-02
Id: nagios-01
Id: nagios-02
Id: nagios-03
Id: nagios-manubulon-01
Id: nagios-sourceforge-01
Id: nagios-sourceforge-02
Id: nagios-sourceforge-03
Id: nagiosexchange-01
Id: nagioswiki-01
Id: nagioswiki-02
Id: nagvis-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Project News;
- Tags: toolsw, appweb, nagios, link
- Link:
Id: nailtrick-01
Id: naim-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Final Cut
- Author: Naim, Omar
- Date: 2007
- Publisher: Lionsgate
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 5540437
Id: nasa-01
Id: naughton-01
- Type: media
- Media: Blu-ray
- Title: An American Werewolf in London [Blu-ray]
- Author: Naughton, David
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 317758
Id: nautilusmisc-blogspot-01
Id: ncf-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: A powerful and structured CFEngine framework - ncf
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: ncfiduciary-01
Id: nclt-01
Id: ncov-live-01
Id: ncrel-01
Id: ndiyo-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Ndiyo! - The Ndiyo Project
- Tags: home, make, wearable, link
- Link:
Id: negus-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Linux Toys: 13 Cool Projects for Home, Office and
Entertainment (ExtremeTech)
- Author: Negus, Christopher
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Wiley (2003), 360 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0764525085
- ASIN: 84491
Id: neihardt-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Black Elk Speaks: The Complete Edition
- Author: Neihardt, John G.
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Bison Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0803283911
- ASIN: 3251626
Id: neilgaiman-01
Id: neopets-01
Id: nerburn-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Neither Wolf nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads with an Indian
- Author: Nerburn, Kent
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: New World Library
- Edition: 2nd
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 1577312333
- ASIN: 371298
Id: nesara-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: NESARA-National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act
- Tags: home, tofile, set4, link
- Link:
Id: netfort-gr-jp-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Traceroute, Ping, Domain Name Server (DNS) Lookup, WHOIS
- Tags: reference, network, phone, link
- Link:
Id: neuralware-01
Id: newamerica-01
Id: newcomb-01
Id: newegg-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: - Buy Computer Parts, PC Components, Laptop
Computers, Digital Cameras and more!
- Tags: home, buy, link
- Link:
Id: newegg-02
Id: newegg-03
Id: newegg-04
Id: newegg-05
Id: newevolution-01
Id: newideas-01
Id: newman-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Frank Herbert's Children of Dune: Sci-Fi TV Miniseries
(Two-Disc DVD Set)
- Author: Newman, Alec
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Alliance (2003)
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 1278120
Id: newport-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Deep Work
- Author: Newport, Cal
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 16774011
Id: news-01
Id: news-02
Id: news-bbc-01
Id: news-berkeley-01
Id: news-cnet-01
Id: news-google-01
Id: news-slashdot-01
Id: news-slashdot-02
Id: newscientist-01
Id: newscientist-02
Id: newscientisttech-01
Id: newsociety-01
Id: newsociety-02
Id: newswithviews-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: – Where Reality Shatters Illusion
- Tags: home, political, link
- Link:
Id: newton-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives
- Author: Newton, Michael
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 180908
Id: newton-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives
- Author: Newton, Michael
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 105909
Id: newtour-belamionline-01
Id: newwaygroup-01
Id: newwaygroup-02
Id: newwaygroup-03
Id: nextag-01
Id: nfnc-01
- Type: site
- Media: org
- Title: Network For a New Culture
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: nibley-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Two Spirits
- Author: Nibley, Lydia
- Publisher: Independentlens
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 18628214
Id: nifty-nisusnet-01
Id: nightcafe-01
Id: niven-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Protector (Known Space)
- Author: Niven, Larry
- Date: 1987
- Publisher: Del Rey
- Edition: Reissue
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0345353129
- ASIN: 18896
Id: no-google-wordpress-01
Id: noisebridge-01
Id: noisebridge-02
Id: noisebridge-03
Id: nomachine-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: NoMachine NX - Desktop Virtualization and Remote Access
Management Software
- Tags: home, tofile, set2008, link
- Link:
Id: nomachine-02
Id: nongnu-01
Id: norhtec-01
Id: norris-01
Id: novogratz-01
Id: npr-02
Id: npr-03
Id: npr-04
Id: nps-01
Id: nsclient-ready-run-01
Id: numenta-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Numenta -
- Tags: home, tofile, set2010, link
- Link:
Id: nunez-01
Id: nycsubwayguide-01
Id: nyfinancenews-01
Id: nytimes-01
Id: nytimes-02
Id: nytimes-03
Id: nytimes-04
Id: nytimes-05
Id: nytimes-06
Id: nytimes-07
Id: nytimes-08
Id: nytimes-09
Id: nytimes-10
Id: nytimes-11
Id: nytimes-12
Id: nytimes-13
Id: nytimes-14
Id: nytimes-15
Id: nytimes-16
Id: nytimes-17
Id: nytimes-18
Id: nytimes-19
Id: nytimes-20
Id: o-duinn-01
Id: o-keefe-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: The Craft of Prolog (Logic Programming)
- Author: O'Keefe, Richard A.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0262150395
- Annote: See:
Id: o-keefe-02
Id: o-reilly-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Managing UUCP and Usenet (A Nutshell Book)
- Author: O'Reilly, Tim
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0937175935
Id: o-reillynet-01
Id: oaec-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Home - Occidental Arts & Ecology Center
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: oaklandclouddusters-01
Id: ober-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!
- Author: Ober, Clinton
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Turner Publishing Company
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 10080795
Id: obsproject-01
Id: ocean-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Dolphin Connection: Interdimensional Ways of Living
- Author: Ocean, Joan
- Date: 1989
- Publisher: Dolphin Connection
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0949679100
- ASIN: 4864820
Id: octopuscamouflage-01
Id: ocztechnology-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: OCZ Technology; About OCZ; Press Releases; 2008; OCZ
Technology Group Enters Mass Production and Imminent Delivery of the
Highly-Anticipated Neural Impulse Actuator
- Tags: home, make, wearable, link
- Link:
Id: okcupid-01
Id: okcupid-02
Id: okorafor-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Lagoon
- Author: Okorafor, Nnedi
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: Saga Press
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 14602980
Id: oldversion-01
Id: olito-01
Id: oliver-01
Id: oliver-02
Id: oliver-03
Id: olson-01
Id: olson-02
Id: omarahmad-01
Id: omgubuntu-01
Id: oncotton-01
Id: onezero-medium-01
Id: onezero-medium-02
Id: onezero-medium-03
Id: onlamp-01
Id: oojie-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Home; oojie
- Tags: home, tofile, set2011, link
- Link:
Id: opednews-01
Id: openai-01
Id: openai-02
Id: openai-chat-01
Id: openai-jukebox-01
Id: openai-pricing-03
Id: openfilm-01
Id: opennms-01
Id: openprinting-01
Id: openqa-01
Id: openqa-02
Id: openqa-03
Id: openscad-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
- Tags: home, make, printer-3d, link
- Link:
Id: opensound-01
Id: opensource-01
Id: opensource-02
Id: opensource-03
Id: opensource-04
Id: opensource-05
Id: opensource-06
Id: opensource-07
Id: opensource-08
Id: opensource-guide-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Open Source Guides; Learn how to launch and grow your
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: opensourcetesting-01
Id: opensourcetesting-02
Id: opensta-01
Id: openvrml-01
Id: opml-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: What is OPML?
- Tags: home, tofile, set2, link
- Link:
Id: orbitaltour-01
Id: oreilly-01
Id: oschman-01
Id: oss-oetiker-01
Id: oss-oetiker-02
Id: ostrom-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Ourmedia Homepage; Ourmedia
- Tags: home, a/v, link, video, link
- Link:
Id: ourworldindata-01
Id: outpersonals-01
Id: owasp-01
Id: packages-01
Id: packages-02
Id: packages-03
Id: packetmotion-01
Id: palletshelter-01
Id: palmer-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Enneagram in Love and Work: Understanding Your Intimate
and Business Relationships
- Author: Palmer, Helen
- Date: 1995
- Publisher: HarperOne
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0062507214
- ASIN: 39413
Id: pandasoftware-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Panda Software. Protection against viruses, Spyware, Spam and
other Internet threats
- Tags: toolsw, other, link
- Link:
Id: panditharatne-01
Id: papersplease-01
Id: park-01
Id: parks-01
Id: parks-02
Id: partselect-01
Id: partselect-02
Id: passapcanada-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Tags: home, tofile, set4, link
- Link:
Id: patriotact-01
Id: paul-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Basic Surveying
- Author: Paul, Raymond
- Authors: Walter Whyte
- Edition: 4th
- Tags: home, surveying, link, old:amazon-09
- ISBN: 0750617713
- Link:
Id: paulsen-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Dogsong
- Author: Paulsen, Gary
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 110983
Id: pawson-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Xsl Fo
- Author: Pawson, Dave
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596003552
Id: paypal-01
Id: paypal-02
Id: paypal-03
Id: pbs-01
Id: pbs-02
Id: pbs-03
Id: pbs-04
Id: pchell-01
Id: pchell-02
Id: pcworld-01
Id: pdftoimage-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: PDF to Image - Convert PDF to JPG Online
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: peaceteam-01
Id: peaceteam-02
Id: pebblebee-01
Id: peck-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Different Drum
- Subtitle: Community Making and Peace
- Author: Peck, M. Scott
- Date: 2010-05-11
- Publisher: Touchstone
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 55206
- Link:
Id: peck-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: People of the Lie
- Subtitle: The Hope for Healing Human Evil
- Author: Peck, M. Scott
- Date: 1998-01-02
- Publisher: Touchstone
- Edition: 2nd
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0684848597
- Link:
Id: peck-03
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: A World Waiting to Be Born
- Subtitle: Civility Rediscovered
- Author: Peck, M. Scott
- Date: 2009-07-22
- Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
- Tags: important
- Link:
Id: peck-04
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: The Different Drum
- Subtitle: Community Making and Peace
- Author: Peck, M. Scott
- Date: 2010-05-11
- Tags: important
- Link:
Id: peck-05
Id: peck-06
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: In Search of Stones
- Subtitle: A Pilgrimage of Faith, Reason, and Discovery
- Author: Peck, M. Scott
- Date: 1995-04-01
- Publisher: Hyperion
- ISBN: 978-0786860210
- Link:
Id: penczak-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Gay Witchcraft: Empowering the Tribe
- Author: Penczak, Christopher
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser (2003), 288 pages
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 1578632811
- ASIN: 470136
Id: peninsulayouthorchestra-01
Id: percival-01
Id: perel-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Mating in Captivity
- Author: Perel, Esther
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: HarperCollins e-books
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 1649697
Id: perel-02
Id: perfdynamics-01
Id: perl-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Object Oriented Exception Handling in Perl
- Tags: toolsw, language, perl, link
- Link:
Id: perldoc-perl-01
Id: perlmonks-01
Id: permaculture-hawaii-01
Id: peterson-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
- Author: Peterson, Jordan B.
- Date: 2018
- Publisher: Random House Canada
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0345816021
- ASIN: 19389000
Id: peterson-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Comedy of Desire
- Author: Peterson, Nils
- Publisher: Ally Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0963872206
- ASIN: 4432727
Id: petmeds-01
Id: petranek-01
Id: pettingers-01
Id: pfranc-01
Id: pfranc-02
Id: philip-greenspun-01
Id: phonesolo-01
Id: photographernanny-01
Id: photographwater-01
Id: php-01
Id: php-02
Id: php-03
Id: phpalbum-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: phpAlbum; PHP Photo Album - Gallery
- Tags: toolsw, appweb, photo, link
- Link:
Id: phpcaptcha-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Securimage CAPTCHA - Free PHP Captcha Script
- Tags: toolsw, language, php, link
- Link:
Id: physorg-01
Id: picasagoogle-01
Id: piccard-01
Id: piff-01
Id: pines-01
Id: pink-01
Id: pinker-01
Id: pinklabel-01
Id: pinklabel-02
Id: piper-01
Id: pirsig-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into
- Author: Pirsig, Robert M
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: HarperTorch
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0060589469
- ASIN: 1008
Id: piven-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook (Worst Case Scenario
- Author: Piven, Joshua
- Date: 1999
- Publisher: Chronicle Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0811825558
- ASIN: 19794247
Id: pjrc-01
Id: place-01
Id: place-02
Id: place-03
Id: pluggz-01
Id: poclad-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: POCLAD - Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy
- Tags: home, political, link
- Link:
Id: podcastingnews-01
Id: poehler-01
- Type: media
- Media: Blu-ray
- Title: Inside Out (Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack Digital Copy)
- Author: Poehler, Amy
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: Walt Disney Studios
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 16707643
Id: politics-slashdot-01
Id: polk-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Stormsong (The Kingston Cycle)
- Author: Polk, C. L.
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 22556868
Id: polk-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Witchmark (The Kingston Cycle)
- Author: Polk, C. L.
- Date: 2018
- Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 20930458
Id: polly-phys-msu-su-01
Id: popfile-sourceforge-01
Id: popova-01
Id: popova-02
Id: popova-03
Id: popova-04
Id: popularresistance-01
Id: posada-01
Id: postman-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Technopoly
- Subtitle: The Surrender of Culture to Technology
- Author: Postman, Neil
- Date: 2011-06-01
- Publisher: Vintage
- Tags: important
- Link:
Id: postman-02
Id: potter-01
Id: potterton-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Heavy Metal (Collector's Edition)
- Author: Potterton, Gerald
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0767836316
Id: pournelle-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Mote In God's Eye
- Author: Pournelle, Jerry
- Date: 1974
- Publisher: Pocket 1974
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0671741926
- ASIN: 16539
Id: poverty-01
Id: power-home-01
Id: powers-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Practical RDF
- Author: Powers, Shelley
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596002637
Id: pp-angelfire-01
Id: pp-angelfire-02
Id: pp-dp-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Personal Portable 3D Printer
- Tags: home, make, printer-3d, link
- Link:
Id: ppr-trincoll-01
Id: precaution-01
Id: prechtel-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise
- Author: Prechtel, Martin
- Date: 2015-04-14
- Publisher: North Atlantic Books
- Tags: important
- Link:
Id: prechtel-02
Id: prechtel-03
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Long Life, Honey in the Heart
- Author: Prechtel, Martin
- Date: 2004-10-20
- Publisher: North Atlantic Books;
- Link:
- ISBN: 155643538X
Id: prechtel-04
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Secrets of the Talking Jaguar: Memoirs from the Living Heart
of a Mayan Village
- Author: Prechtel, Martin
- Date: 1999-08-30
- Publisher: TarcherPerigee
- Link:
- ISBN: 9780874779707
Id: premierkites-01
Id: press-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Greatest Speeches of Elizabeth Warren (so faru2026)
- Author: Press, Progressive
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868236
Id: press-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Random Acts of Kindness
- Author: Press, Conari
- Date: 1993
- Publisher: Conari Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0943233437
- ASIN: 814157
Id: preston-01
Id: printandread-01
Id: prisonplanet-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Alex Jones' Prison The Earth Is Being Turned Into
A Prison Planet
- Tags: home, political, link
- Link:
Id: products-mercola-01
Id: profile-myspace-01
Id: profile-myspace-02
Id: profiles-yahoo-01
Id: progent-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Midsize Company Information Technology Consultants - National,
Northern California, Austin, Portland
- Tags: work, itsupport, link
- Link:
Id: progent-02
Id: project-open-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: ]project-open[ Online Documentation & Community
- Tags: toolsw, appdesktop, openoffice, project, link
- Link:
Id: projectaquarium-01
Id: projectbandaloop-01
Id: projectcensored-01
Id: projecthoneypot-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Distributed Spam Harvester Tracking Network; Project Honey
- Tags: toolsw, other, link
- Link:
Id: projectinclude-01
Id: psychedelictrick-01
Id: psychonautwiki-01
Id: publishing-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Publish on Amazon Kindle with Kindle Direct Publishing
- Author: Publishing, Kindle Direct
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 10964904
Id: pukui-01
Id: puppylinux-01
Id: purificationjug-01
Id: quaid-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Chicago
- Author: Quaid, Dennis
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment
- Address: Burbank, CA
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0788845845
- ASIN: 372476
Id: quaid-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Dragonheart: 2 Legendary Tales (Dragonheart / Dragonheart: A
New Beginning)
- Author: Quaid, Dennis
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0783289561
- ASIN: 16651524
Id: quaid-03
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Far From Heaven
- Author: Quaid, Dennis
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Innotrac - NBC Universal (2003)
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 758733
Id: quaid-04
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The day after tomorrow
- Author: Quaid, Dennis
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26862839
Id: quaid-05
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The day the earth stood still
- Author: Quaid, Dennis
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Twentieth Century-Fox Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 9871370
Id: quake-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada - Index Map
- Tags: home, homelan, frequent, link
- Link:
Id: quaker-01
Id: quantumconsciousness-01
Id: queerkidstuff-01
Id: quora-01
Id: qvc-01
Id: qz-01
Id: qz-02
Id: r-project-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: The R Project for Statistical Computing
- Tags: toolsw, language, link
- Link:
Id: rachel-01
Id: rachel-02
Id: rachel-03
Id: radiationnetwork-01
Id: rafnel-01
Id: rafnel-02
Id: rafnel-03
Id: rafnel-04
Id: rafnel-05
Id: rafnel-06
Id: rafnel-07
Id: rafnel-08
Id: rafnel-09
Id: raindance-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Net meetings, web conferencing, audio conferencing, and
teleconferencing solutions - Raindance.
- Tags: home, tofile, set1, link
- Link:
Id: ramanathan-01
Id: random-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: RANDOM.ORG - True Random Number Service
- Tags: toolsw, other, link
- Link:
Id: rankin-01
Id: ras-ucalgary-01
Id: ratical-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: rat haus reality, ratical branch
- Tags: home, tofile, set4, link
- Link:
Id: ratical-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Ending Corporate Governance: Revoking Our Plutocracy
- Tags: home, tofile, set5, corporategovernance, link
- Link:
Id: ratical-03
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Model Amici Curiae Brief to Eliminate Corporate Rights, by
Richard Grossman, Thomas Alan Linzey, & Daniel E. Brannen,
- Tags: home, tofile, set5, corporategovernance, link
- Link:
Id: rationalwiki-01
Id: ravenbrook-01
Id: raveontech-01
Id: ravl-sourceforge-01
Id: rawal-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: OMG Oh My God (Bollywood DVD With English Subtitles)
- Author: Rawal, Paresh
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Viacom (2012)
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26864829
Id: read-acloud-guru-01
Id: read-acloud-guru-02
Id: read-acloud-guru-03
Id: read-acloud-guru-04
Id: read-acloud-guru-05
Id: read-amazon-01
Id: read-amazon-02
Id: read-amazon-03
Id: read-amazon-04
Id: read-amazon-05
Id: realclimate-01
Id: realclimate-02
Id: realisticgraphics-01
Id: realitysandwich-01
Id: realsad-01
Id: reardon-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: And If I Fall
- Author: Reardon, Robin
- Date: 2018
- Publisher: IAM Books
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 20914562
Id: reardon-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Giuseppe and Me
- Author: Reardon, Robin
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: IAM Books
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 14850941
Id: reardon-03
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: On Chocorua: Book 1 of the Trailblazer series
- Author: Reardon, Robin
- Date: 2019
- Publisher: IAM Books (2019), 297 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 099884148X
- ASIN: 23635219
Id: reardon-04
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: On The Kalalau Trail (Trailblazer Book 2)
- Author: Reardon, Robin
- Date: 2019
- Publisher: IAM Books
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 23982755
Id: reardon-05
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: On The Precipice (Trailblazer Book 3)
- Author: Reardon, Robin
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: IAM Books
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26851924
Id: reardon-06
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Throwing Stones
- Author: Reardon, Robin
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: IAM Books
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 16352535
Id: reciprocalsystem-01
Id: recode-01
Id: recode-02
Id: reculture-01
Id: reculture-02
Id: redbooks-ibm-01
Id: reddit-01
Id: redhat-01
Id: redhat-02
Id: redhat-03
Id: redhat-04
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Red Hat, Inc.
- Tags: toolsw, appinternet, firefox, link
- Link:
Id: redhat-05
Id: redhat-06
Id: redhat-07
Id: redhat-08
Id: redhat-09
Id: redhat-10
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Red Hat Linux Documentation
- Tags: toolsw, appinternet, firefox, support, link
- Link:
Id: redhat-11
Id: redhat-12
Id: redhat-13
Id: redhat-14
Id: redhat-15
Id: redhat-16
Id: redhat-17
Id: redhat-18
Id: redmine-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Redmine - Overview - Redmine
- Tags: toolsw, appdesktop, openoffice, project, link
- Link:
Id: redwoodcity-01
Id: redwoodrollerrink-01
Id: reefkeeping-01
Id: reeve-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Superman - The Movie
- Author: Reeve, Christopher
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: Warner Home Video
- Edition: Sp.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0790752433
- ASIN: 2439133
Id: reeve-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Superman III
- Author: Reeve, Christopher
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: Warner Home Video (2001)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 079075245X
- ASIN: 1791750
Id: reeve-03
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Superman IV - The Quest for Peace
- Author: Reeve, Christopher
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Warner Home Video (2001)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0790752468
- ASIN: 1815791
Id: reeves-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Johnny Mnemonic
- Author: Reeves, Keanu
- Date: 1999
- Publisher: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (1997)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 043396734791
- ASIN: 1093744
Id: refcards-01
Id: regenerativedesign-01
Id: reich-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Function of the Orgasm: Discovery of the Orgone
- Author: Reich, Wilhelm
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 302109
Id: release-01
Id: remainsquiet-01
Id: remcu-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Radio E-Mail Connections Unlimited - Email via Radio
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: renegade-studios-01
Id: renovatio-zaytuna-01
Id: replicat-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: ReplicatorG is a simple, open source 3D printing program -
- Tags: home, make, printer-3d, link
- Link:
Id: reprap-01
Id: reprap-02
Id: resources-overops-01
Id: rettner-01
Id: rfidtoys-01
Id: rheingold-01
Id: rhn-redhat-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Red Hat Network
- Tags: toolsw, appinternet, firefox, link
- Link:
Id: rhodes-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Draegan Lords
- Author: Rhodes, M. L.
- Date: 2008
- Publisher: Amber Quill Press, LLC (2008), 221 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 160272945X
- ASIN: 2919106
Id: richards-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Coconut Oil Breakthrough: Boost Your Brain, Burn The Fat,
Build Your Hair
- Author: Richards, BJ
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Richards Media Services, LLC
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 21951285
Id: richardson-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Jailmates (Maxim Colonies Book 1)
- Author: Richardson, Lesli
- Date: 2019
- Publisher: Lesli Richardson
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 22689095
Id: richter-01
Id: rickysays-01
Id: ridley-01
Id: rifkin-01
Id: ringinator-01
Id: roach-01
Id: roach-02
Id: robbins-01
Id: robertnz-01
Id: roberts-01
Id: roberts-02
Id: robertson-01
Id: robinson-01
Id: robinson-02
Id: robinson-03
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Dark Beyond the Stars: A Novel
- Author: Robinson, Frank M.
- Date: 1997
- Publisher: Orb Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0312866240
- ASIN: 216195
Id: robotbird-01
Id: rocketscientist-01
Id: rockstrom-01
Id: rodalesorganiclife-01
Id: rodgers-01
Id: roeder-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Born Too Late
- Author: Roeder, Mark
- Date: 2019
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 23964225
Id: rollingjubilee-01
Id: rollingstone-01
Id: rombauer-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Joy of Cooking
- Author: Rombauer, Irma S.
- Date: 1985
- Publisher: Plume (1992), 864 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0452263328
- ASIN: 14958850
Id: ronson-01
Id: rootsandshoots-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Home - Roots & Shoots : Engaging and empowering youth
with service learning projects.
- Tags: home, change, ted, link
- Link:
Id: rose-01
Id: rose-02
Id: rosegardenmusic-01
Id: rosen-01
Id: rothemund-01
Id: rowe-01
Id: royaltyfreedoc-01
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Royalty Free: The Music of Kevin MacLeod - A Documentary On
One Composer, Thousands of Songs, Millions of Videos, and Billions of
- Tags: video, link
- Link:
Id: rpm-pbone-01
Id: rpmfind-01
Id: rpmfind-02
Id: rsa-01
Id: rsfsocialfinance-01
Id: rsnapshot-01
Id: rubberplanes-01
Id: rudemacedon-01
Id: rundeck-01
Id: rundeck-02
Id: rushkoff-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Team Human
- Author: Rushkoff, Douglas
- Date: 2019-01-22
- Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company (January 22, 2019)
- Tags: book, important, book
- Link:
Id: rushkoff-02
Id: rushkoff-03
Id: russell-01
Id: russianbalalaika-01
Id: rust-lang-01
Id: ryan-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Sex at Dawn
- Subtitle: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern
- Author: Ryan, Christopher
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: HarperCollins
- Tags: book, book
- ASIN: 10020301
- Link:
Id: ryan-02
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality
- Author: Ryan, Christopher
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: Harper
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0061707805
- ASIN: 10020301
Id: sacredmysteries-01
Id: safari-oreilly-01
Id: sage-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: PVR Software for the PC, SageTV and SageRecorder Let You Pause
Live TV, Instant Replay and Record Your Favorite TV Shows
- Tags: home, a/v, link, video, link
- Link:
Id: sahi-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Sahi - Web Test Tool
- Tags: toolsw, qa, sahi, link
- Link:
Id: sahi-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Simulating clicking browser back button (Page 1) - Sahi - Web
Automation and Testing Tool - Sahi - Web Automation and Test Tool
- Tags: toolsw, qa, sahi, link
- Link:
Id: sahi-03
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Simulating clicking the browser stop button. (Page 1) - Sahi -
Web Automation and Testing Tool - Sahi - Web Automation and Test
- Tags: toolsw, qa, sahi, link
- Link:
Id: sahi-sourceforge-01
Id: saigon-01
Id: salamon-01
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: Facing the Climate Emergency
- Subtitle: How to Transform Yourself with Climate Truth
- Author: Salamon, Margaret Klein
- Date: 2020-04-21
- Tags: book
- Link:
Id: salon-01
Id: sambakza-01
Id: sandel-01
Id: sanders-01
Id: sanders-02
Id: sanders-03
Id: sandler-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: 50 First Dates / Mr.Deeds (Widescreen Edition)
- Author: Sandler, Adam
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
- Edition: Sp.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1404988173
- ASIN: 29641421
Id: sanfrancisco-01
Id: sanmateodailynews-01
Id: santafe-01
Id: santafe-02
Id: sasaki-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Akira (Widescreen)
- Author: Sasaki, Nozomu
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: Geneon [Pioneer] (2001)
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 11799471
Id: sasaki-02
- Type: site
- Media: Laserdisc
- Title: Manhattan Laser Disc (Woody Allen)
- Author: Sasaki, Nozomu
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 6302152852
- ASIN: 2888845
Id: sasaki-03
- Type: site
- Media: Laserdisc
- Title: SLEEPER - Laserdisc, NOT an Import
- Author: Sasaki, Nozomu
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 6302020158
- ASIN: 781118
Id: saturniancosmology-01
Id: saul-01
Id: savage-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Savage Love: Straight Answers from America's Most Popular Sex
- Author: Savage, Dan
- Date: 1998
- Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 85750
Id: savage-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy
- Author: Savage, Marshall T.
- Date: 1994
- Publisher: Little Brown & Co
- Edition: Rep.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0316771635
- ASIN: 57275
Id: savage-03
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: 12th Annual Touring Festival 2017 - Dan Savage's HUMP Film
- Tags: humpfilmfest, link
- Link:
Id: savory-01
Id: savory-02
Id: savory-global-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Support Holistic Management & Regenerative
Agriculture; Savory Institute
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: sblades-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Chainmail & More - Chainmale Mens Wear in Metal, Male
- Tags: home, make, chainmail, link
- Link:
Id: sbnphiladelphia-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: SBN Philadelphia - The local triple bottom line: people,
planet, profit
- Tags: home, eco, link
- Link:
Id: sbss-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: SBSS Home Page
- Tags: home, make, rcplanes, link
- Link:
Id: scabies-killer-01
Id: scariesttrail-01
Id: sccmas-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Santa Clara County Model Aircraft Skypark
- Tags: home, make, rcplanes, link
- Link:
Id: schindler-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Blood of the Goddess
- Author: Schindler, William
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: (2020), 304 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1716885620
- ASIN: 2357464
Id: schindler-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Blood of the Goddess
- Author: Schindler, William
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: (2020), 304 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1716885620
- ASIN: 2357464
Id: schindler-03
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Blood of the Goddess
- Author: Schindler, William
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: (2020), 304 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1716885620
- ASIN: 2357464
Id: schindler-04
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Essays on Gay Tantra
- Author: Schindler, William
- Date: 2001
- Publisher: Xlibris (2001), 436 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 073886028X
- ASIN: 2261804
Id: schindler-05
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Gay Tantra in Action
- Author: Schindler, William
- Date: 2018
- Publisher: Ashram West Tantra Brotherhood, Inc.
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868237
Id: schindler-06
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Secrets Of Gay Tantra: A Gay-Centered Path To
- Author: Schindler, William
- Date: 2012
- Publisher:
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 125790356X
- ASIN: 12208495
Id: schneider-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Writing for Self-Discovery: A Personal Approach to Creative
- Author: Schneider, Myra
- Date: 1998
- Publisher: Barnes & Noble Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0760709963
- ASIN: 192513
Id: scholar-google-01
Id: scholz-01
Id: schwartz-01
Id: schwartz-02
Id: schwartz-03
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Programming Perl (Nutshell Handbooks)
- Author: Schwartz, Randal L.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0937175641
Id: schwartz-04
Id: science-frontiers-01
Id: science-slashdot-01
Id: science-slashdot-02
Id: science-slashdot-03
Id: science-slashdot-04
Id: science-slashdot-05
Id: sciencedirect-01
Id: sciencemag-01
Id: scientificsonline-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Edmund Scientific: educational toys, gifts, hobby supplies
& science equipment
- Tags: home, buy, link
- Link:
Id: scientificsonline-02
Id: scientificsonline-03
Id: scitechdaily-01
Id: scoop-01
Id: scott-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Electric Sky
- Author: Scott, Donald E.
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: Mikamar Publishing
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0977285111
- ASIN: 5054276
Id: scott-02
Id: screenplain-01
Id: scripps-01
Id: script-google-01
Id: script-google-02
Id: script-google-03
Id: sdcard-01
Id: sdmidicontroller-01
Id: seabrook-01
Id: search-barnesandnoble-01
Id: secondlife-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Second Life: Your World. Your Imagination.
- Tags: toolsw, other, link
- Link:
Id: secure-lowprice-u-01
Id: seeker-dice-01
Id: seeker-dice-02
Id: seeker-dice-03
Id: seeker-dice-04
Id: seeker-dice-05
Id: seely-01
Id: seidenverg-01
Id: selfcare-bcgi-01
Id: seligman-01
Id: semcostyle-01
Id: semler-01
Id: semler-02
Id: serverfault-01
Id: serverwatch-01
Id: sesusa-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Stirling Engine Society USA
- Tags: home, freeenergy, link
- Link:
Id: sfbay-craigslist-01
Id: sfqueer-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Queer Things To Do in the San Francisco Bay Area – SF Gay
Event Listings –
- Tags: home, per, link
- Link:
Id: sfskids-01
Id: shacktopus-01
Id: shafak-01
Id: shane-01
Id: shareable-01
Id: shareable-02
Id: shareable-03
Id: shareable-04
Id: shatner-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Classic Television: Blooper Bonanza 1960's (featuring
Laugh-In, McHale's Navy, Star Trek)
- Author: Shatner, William
- Publisher: PC Treasures, Inc.
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 16548484
Id: shatner-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan
- Author: Shatner, William
- Date: 2000
- Publisher: Paramount Home Video (2000)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 6305910103
- ASIN: 1029760
Id: sheldrake-01
Id: sheldrake-02
Id: sheldrake-03
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation
- Author: Sheldrake, Rupert
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 207304
Id: sheldrake-04
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Science Set Free: 10 Paths to New Discovery
- Author: Sheldrake, Rupert
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Deepak Chopra (2012), 402 pages
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 12138997
Id: sheldrake-05
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation
- Author: Sheldrake, Rupert
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
- Tags: book, book
- ASIN: 207304
- Link:
Id: sheldrake-06
Id: sheldrake-07
Id: shellenberger-01
Id: shepard-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Mahatma Gandhi and His Myths: Civil Disobedience, Nonviolence,
and Satyagraha in the Real World (Plus Why It's 'Gandhi,' Not
- Author: Shepard, Mark
- Date: 2008
- Publisher: Simple Productions
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 619464
Id: sher-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to
Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It
- Author: Sher, Barbara
- Date: 1995
- Publisher: Dell
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0440505003
- ASIN: 54505
Id: sher-02
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: It's Only Too Late If You Don't Start Now : How to Create Your
Second Life After Forty
- Author: Sher, Barbara
- Date: 1998
- Publisher: Delacorte Press
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0385315058
- ASIN: 141754
Id: sherwood-01
Id: shirky-01
Id: shirky-02
Id: shopgoodwill-01
Id: shopgoodwill-02
Id: shoptheloveboutique-01
Id: showmemyip-01
Id: shtfplan-01
Id: sibcy-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Healing Your Rift with God: A Guide to Spiritual Renewal and
Ultimate Healing
- Author: Sibcy, Paul
- Date: 2007
- Publisher: Atria Books/Beyond Words
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1582700044
- ASIN: 3087867
Id: siever-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Perl in a Nutshell
- Author: Siever, Ellen
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1565922867
Id: sigalert-01
Id: signalengineering-01
Id: signalengineering-02
Id: signonsandiego-01
Id: sillydog-01
Id: silverman-01
Id: simple-evcorr-01
Id: simpletoy-01
Id: singers-01
Id: singlepointoc-01
Id: sipdroid-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: sipdroid - Project Hosting on SIP/VoIP client for Android
- Tags: toolhw, phone, link
- Link:
Id: sivers-01
Id: sixrevisions-01
Id: skatefaq-01
Id: sketchup-google-01
Id: skillshare-01
Id: skinbook-ning-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Skinbook - The No.1 Social Network for
<u>Genuine</u> Nudists &
- Tags: home, tofile, set2008, link
- Link:
Id: skype-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Skype - Free Internet telephony that just works
- Tags: toolsw, appinternet, voip, link
- Link:
Id: slabexchange-01
Id: slackeruprising-01
Id: slashdot-01
Id: slashdot-03
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters
- Tags: reference, xml, html, link
- Link:
Id: slideshare-01
Id: slimdevices-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Transporter® & Squeezebox⢠Wireless Network Music
Players - Every room deserves a soundtrack
- Tags: home, a/v, link, video, link
- Link:
Id: slimp-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Slim Devices : Free Your Music!
- Tags: home, a/v, link, video, link
- Link:
Id: sliwainsights-01
Id: slock-it-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: - Blockchain + IoT
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: smallplanet-01
Id: smarthome-01
Id: smarthome-02
Id: smile-amazon-01
Id: smith-01
Id: smith-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: I, Robot (Two-Disc All-Access Collector's Edition)
- Author: Smith, Will
- Tags: b, biblio
- ISBN: 0783235380
Id: smith-03
Id: smith-04
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Complete Patriots Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism
- Subtitle: Its Theory and Practive
- Author: Smith, Ethan Indigo
- Date: 2009-07-04
- Publisher: Progressive Pr
- Tags: important
- Link:
Id: smith-05
Id: smith-06
Id: smith-07
Id: smith-08
Id: smith-09
Id: smlnj-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Standard ML of New Jersey
- Tags: toolsw, language, ml, link
- Link:
Id: snaptron-01
Id: snugglesalon-01
Id: snugglesalon-02
- Type: site
- Media: org
- Title: Snuggle Salon; cuddle buddy, cuddle therapy, snuggle buddy,
professional cuddling, theraputic touch therapy, san jose, santa clara,
cupertino, berkeley, martinez, antioch, san leandro, palo alto
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: socialmovement-01
Id: software-01
Id: softwareqatest-01
Id: soimpressive-01
Id: solarheatengines-01
Id: solarwinds-01
Id: solnit-01
- Type: book
- Media: book
- Title: A Paradise Built in Hell
- Subtitle: The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster
- Author: Solnit, Rebecca
- Date: 2010-08-31
- Tags: book, community, book
- Link:
Id: solzhenitsyn-01
Id: sonystyle-01
Id: soundcloud-01
Id: soundcloud-02
Id: soundprooffoam-01
Id: soundprooffoam-02
Id: soundprooffoam-03
Id: sourceforge-01
Id: sourceforge-02
Id: sourceforge-03
Id: sourceforge-04
Id: sourceforge-05
Id: sourceforge-06
Id: sourceforge-07
Id: sourceforge-08
Id: sourceforge-09
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: DavMail POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav to Exchange; Get DavMail
POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav to Exchange at
- Tags: toolsw, appdesktop, link
- Link:
Id: sourceforge-10
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Fast Artificial Neural Network Library; Get Fast Artificial
Neural Network Library at
- Tags: toolsw, appdesktop, neuralnet, link
- Link:
Id: sourceforge-11
Id: sourceforge-12
Id: sourceforge-13
Id: space-01
Id: spaceelevatorblog-01
Id: spacex-01
Id: spade-01
Id: sparrow-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Cosmos
- Author: Sparrow, Giles
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: Smith-Davies Pub
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1905204299
- ASIN: 1933608
Id: spector-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: MADNESS AT THE GATES OF THE CITY The Myth of American
- Author: Spector, Barry
- Date: 2010
- Publisher: Regent Press
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868238
Id: speedtest-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: - The Global Broadband Speed Test
- Tags: toolsw, appnetwork, link
- Link:
Id: speedtest-dslreports-01
Id: sphericam-01
Id: spiegel-01
Id: spinninglobe-01
Id: spinninglobe-02
Id: spiritofiron-01
Id: spiritrock-01
Id: spiritual-happiness-01
Id: spiritualprogressives-01
Id: spoke-01
Id: spotthestation-nasa-01
Id: sprint-xhtml-weather-01
Id: srslywrong-01
Id: ssd-noaa-01
Id: ssed-gsfc-nasa-01
Id: ssh-01
Id: stackoverflow-01
Id: stackoverflow-02
Id: stadelmann-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Water Gardens (Nature Guides)
- Author: Stadelmann, Peter
- Date: 1992
- Publisher: Barrons Educational Series Inc (1992), 143 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0812049284
- ASIN: 819804
Id: staffordsuites-01
Id: stallman-01
Id: stallman-02
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Richard Stallman lecturing about copyright at University of
- Author: Stallman, Richard
- Date: 2009
- Tags: video, old:youtube-033
- Link:
Id: standing-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Basic Income: A Guide for the Open-Minded
- Author: Standing, Guy
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Yale University Press
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 19533608
Id: standing-02
Id: standup-01
Id: starfighter-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The last starfighter
- Date: 1999
- Publisher: Universal
- Address: Universal City, CA
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0783230567
- ASIN: 1000574
Id: stargate-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Stargate
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Artisan Home Entertainment: Lionsgate
- Address: Santa Monica, CA
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 780397
Id: starhawk-01
Id: startupzone-01
Id: startupzone-02
Id: steadystate-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: steffen-01
Id: steinberg-01
Id: stephen-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Desktop Kornshell Graphical Programming (Addison-Wesley
Professional Computing Series)
- Author: Stephen, Jr. Pendergrast J.
- Date: 1995
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley Pub (Sd)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0201633752
- ASIN: 3432491
Id: stephenson-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Reamde: A Novel
- Author: Stephenson, Neal
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: HarperCollins
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 11129978
Id: stephenson-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.: A Novel
- Author: Stephenson, Neal
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: HarperCollins
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 18910684
Id: stewart-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Star Trek - First Contact (Two-Disc Special Collector's
- Author: Stewart, Patrick
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1415706956
Id: stewart-02
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Star Trek - Insurrection (Two-Disc Special Collector's
- Author: Stewart, Patrick
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1415712352
Id: stewart-03
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Star Trek - Nemesis (Widescreen Edition)
- Author: Stewart, Patrick
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: Paramount (2003)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0792187040
- ASIN: 713721
Id: stewart-04
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Star Trek VII: Generations
- Author: Stewart, Patrick
- Date: 1998
- Publisher: Paramount (1998)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 6305181721
- ASIN: 126861
Id: still-01
Id: stirling-01
Id: stirlingengine-01
Id: stockar-01
Id: stokes-01
Id: stone-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: When God Was A Woman
- Author: Stone, Merlin
- Date: 1990
- Publisher: Marboro Books (1990), 265 pages
- Tags: book, important, book
- ISBN: 0880295333
- ASIN: 112299
Id: stone-02
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: When God Was a Woman
- Author: Stone, Merlin
- Date: 1990
- Publisher: Marboro Books (1990), 265 pages
- Tags: book, important, book
- ISBN: 0880295333
- ASIN: 112299
Id: stone-03
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: When God Was A Woman
- Author: Stone, Merlin
- Date: 1990
- Publisher: Marboro Books (1990), 265 pages
- Tags: book
- ISBN: 0880295333
- ASIN: 112299
- Link:
Id: stone-04
Id: stop-gdp-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: STOP GDP; Count wealth not money
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: stopglobalwarming-01
Id: stoppolarizingtalk-01
Id: stoprealidcoalition-01
Id: store-isisbooks-01
Id: store-isisbooks-02
Id: store-isisbooks-03
Id: store-isisbooks-04
Id: storyandheart-01
Id: storyofstuff-01
Id: stream-recorder-01
Id: streep-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Mamma Mia! The Movie
- Author: Streep, Meryl
- Date: 2008
- Publisher: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 8000381
Id: streep-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Postcards from the Edge
- Author: Streep, Meryl
- Date: 1990
- Publisher: Mill Creek-Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (2001)
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0767859820
- ASIN: 2837896
Id: streetmap-01
Id: strikemag-01
Id: strogatz-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Sync
- Author: Strogatz, Steven
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: Hyperion- Acquired Assets
- Edition: Rep.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0786887214
- ASIN: 12264
Id: subsonic-sourceforge-01
Id: subversion-tigris-01
Id: summersolstice-01
Id: sun-orbit-01
Id: sunfreeware-01
Id: sunsigns-01
Id: sunstein-01
Id: supersupercapacitor-01
Id: support-01
Id: support-02
Id: support-hp-01
Id: support-sprint-01
Id: support-wordpress-01
Id: sustainable-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Sustainable Business Network: enabling business to flourish
through sustainable practice - tools and resources corporate social
responsibility environmental economic sustainable development citizenship
ethical ethics new zealand nz sustainability
- Tags: home, eco, link
- Link:
Id: sustainablebusiness-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Sustainable Business, Green Business, Renewable Energy,
Organic & Green Investing, Green Capital
- Tags: home, eco, link
- Link:
Id: sutherland-01
Id: sutterhealth-01
Id: suzeorman-01
Id: suzuki-01
Id: suzuki-02
Id: svk-bestpractical-01
Id: svn-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Social Venture Network
- Tags: home, eco, link
- Link:
Id: svnbook-red-bean-01
Id: swaraj-01
Id: swartz-01
Id: swi-prolog-01
Id: syntext-01
Id: sysresccd-01
Id: taichisage-01
Id: tait-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: THE WORDS OF JESUS: The spoken words of Jesus in chronological
- Author: TAIT, DAVID
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Walking With Jesus Ministries
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868239
Id: talbot-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Holographic Universe
- Author: Talbot, Michael
- Date: 1992
- Publisher: Harper Perennial
- Edition: Rep.
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0060922583
- ASIN: 27785
Id: talbott-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The Saturn Myth: A Reinterpretation of Rites and Symbols
Illuminating Some of the Dark Corners of Primordial Society: David N
Talbott: 9780385113762: Books
- Tags: amazon, science, link
- Link:
Id: talbott-02
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Thunderbolts of the Gods
- Author: Talbott, David
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Mikamar Publishing (2005), 107 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0977285103
- ASIN: 5054271
Id: talgam-01
Id: tallbear-01
Id: tamera-01
Id: tamera-02
Id: tamera-03
Id: tan-01
Id: tantra-gaymen-01
Id: tapplastics-01
Id: tapwithus-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: TAP wearable keyboard - turn any surface into a keyboard.
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: tattoosales-01
Id: taylor-01
Id: taylor-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Cleopatra - Award Series (2 Disc DVD Set)
- Author: Taylor, Elizabeth
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation (2006)
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 687245
Id: tcm-01
Id: tdwaterhouse-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: TD Waterhouse - You're in Control with 150 branches
- Tags: home, tofile, set2, link
- Link:
Id: tealswan-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Teal Swan: The Spiritual Catalyst
- Tags: misc, link
- Link:
Id: teampasswordmanager-01
Id: teamviewer-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: TeamViewer - Free Remote Access and Remote Desktop Sharing
over the Internet
- Tags: toolsw, appinternet, voip, link
- Link:
Id: tec-01
Id: techcrunch-01
Id: techcrunch-02
Id: techcrunch-03
Id: techcrunch-04
Id: techcrunch-05
Id: techland-time-01
Id: technologyreview-01
Id: technologyreview-02
Id: techreport-01
Id: techrepublic-01
Id: techshop-ws-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: TechShop is the SF Bay Area's Only Open-Access Public Workshop
– What Do You Want To Make at TechShop?
- Tags: home, make, maker, link
- Link:
Id: techspot-01
Id: tecsol-01
Id: ted-02
Id: ted-03
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: TED: A tool that finds 3x more breast tumors, and why it's not
available to you.
- Tags: ted, biblio
- Link:
Id: ted-04
Id: ted-08
Id: ted-09
Id: ted-10
Id: teenautoclub-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Driver ed online; Teen Driving School providing high quality
Drivers Education; California
- Tags: home, buy, link
- Link:
Id: telusplanet-01
Id: tercek-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Vaporized: Solid Strategies for Success in a Dematerialized
- Author: Tercek, Robert
- Authors: Nicholas Negroponte
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: LifeTree (2015), 336 pages
- Tags: important
- ASIN: 16693004
Id: terratime-01
Id: teslamania-01
Id: text-mindmap-01
Id: thatboygoodbbq-01
Id: the-declaration-01
Id: theaircar-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: The MDI Air Car - The World's Cleanest Car.
- Tags: home, electriccar, link
- Link:
Id: thealternativedaily-01
Id: theatlantic-01
Id: theatlantic-02
Id: theatrebayarea-01
Id: thebookpc-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Computers, small computers, mini pc, aopen mini pc, shuttle
xpc, minicomputer, cube pc cases
- Tags: home, make, wearable, link
- Link:
Id: thebrennan-01
Id: thecraftyrat-01
Id: thedirectory-01
Id: theearthingstore-01
Id: thegovernment-01
Id: thegreatturning-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Navigating the Great Turning; NAVIGATING THE GREAT
- Tags: home, change, greatturning, link
- Link:
Id: thegreatturning-02
Id: theguardian-01
Id: theguardian-03
Id: theguardian-04
Id: thehealproject-01
Id: thehenryford-01
Id: thekrib-01
Id: thekrib-02
Id: thekrishnastore-01
Id: thelins-se-01
Id: thelostways-01
Id: theluf-blogspot-01
Id: there-01
Id: therealnews-01
Id: theregister-01
Id: theregister-02
Id: thereifixedit-failblog-01
Id: theringlord-01
Id: theringlord-02
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: The Ring Lord Chainmail Chain Mail Maille Supplies
- Tags: home, make, chainmail, link
- Link:
Id: theringlord-03
Id: theringlord-04
Id: thersa-01
Id: theselc-01
Id: thespruce-01
Id: thespruce-02
Id: thewebsiteisdown-01
Id: thewebsiteisdown-02
Id: theworldcafe-01
Id: thingiverse-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects
- Tags: home, make, printer-3d, link
- Link:
Id: thisnovember-th-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: This November 5th - Fifth - Ron Paul Mass Donation Day
- Tags: home, political, link
- Link:
Id: thomhartmann-01
Id: thornhill-01
Id: thrivemovement-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: THRIVE Movie - An unconventional documentary that lifts the
veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money
upstream – uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every
aspect of our lives; Thrive
- Tags: misc, link
- Link:
Id: thunderbolts-01
Id: thunderbolts-02
Id: thunderbolts-03
Id: thunderbolts-04
Id: thunderbolts-05
Id: thunderbolts-06
Id: thunderpole-01
Id: thurman-01
Id: thwallsf-01
Id: thwallsf-02
Id: ticklemeplant-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: - Welcome! Tickle me and I move!!!
- Tags: home, buy, link
- Link:
Id: tidwell-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: XSLT: Mastering XML Transformations
- Author: Tidwell, Doug
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0596000537
Id: tim-blog-01
Id: timeanddate-01
Id: timeanddate-02
Id: timebanks-01
Id: timefortribe-01
Id: timefortribe-02
Id: tinyurl-01
Id: tippett-01
Id: tldp-01
Id: tobyjohnson-01
Id: toccon-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: O'Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing Conference 2009 -
O'Reilly Conferences, February 09 - 11, 2009, New York, NY
- Date: 2009-02-09
- Tags: home, writing, publishing, link
- Link:
Id: tompkins-01
Id: tongaroom-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Tonga Room & Hurricane Bar; Home
- Tags: home, tofile, set2012, link
- Link:
Id: tonti-01
Id: torenberg-01
Id: torproject-01
Id: totalescape-01
Id: transitionculture-01
Id: translate-google-01
Id: transparenteel-01
Id: tribe-01
Id: trom-01
Id: trom-02
Id: trom-03
Id: truecrypt-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption
Software for Windows Vista/XP/2000 and Linux
- Tags: home, make, crypt, link
- Link:
Id: trulia-01
Id: trustedid-01
Id: trustedreviews-01
Id: trustedreviews-02
Id: truththeory-01
Id: tufekci-01
Id: tulley-01
Id: tulley-02
Id: tulley-03
Id: tulley-04
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: 50 Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do)
- Author: Tulley, Gever
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 9436338
Id: tumbleweed-01
Id: tunein-01
Id: tunein-02
Id: tunein-03
Id: tunnel-mrq-01
Id: turbotaxsucksass-01
Id: turtledove-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Supervolcano: All Fall Down
- Author: Turtledove, Harry
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: Roc
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0451464818
- ASIN: 12595909
Id: twitch-01
Id: txt-docbook-sourceforge-01
Id: tzu-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Tao Te Ching: A New English Version (Perennial Classics)
- Author: Tzu, Lao
- Date: 2006
- Publisher: Harper Perennial Modern Classics
- Edition: Rep.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780061142666
- ASIN: 24392
Id: u-of-arkansas-01
Id: uavionix-01
Id: ubuntu-01
Id: ubuntuforums-01
Id: uctv-01
Id: udemy-01
Id: udemy-02
Id: udemy-03
Id: udemy-04
Id: udemy-05
Id: udemy-06
Id: uhm-01
Id: ukoln-ac-01
Id: ultranote-01
Id: umpcportal-01
Id: unb-01
Id: unexplainedstructure-01
Id: uni-solar-01
Id: unitednuclear-01
Id: unix-ag-uni-kl-01
Id: unixwiz-01
Id: unsolicited-01
Id: unsolicited-02
Id: unsplash-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Beautiful Free Images & Pictures; Unsplash
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: up-01
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: Hanging up : Widescreen Edition
- Author: Up, Hanging
- Date: 2002
- Publisher: Alliance Entertainment (2002)
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 1967719
Id: upcoming-yahoo-01
Id: upcoming-yahoo-02
Id: upliftconnect-01
Id: upstart-ubuntu-01
Id: urbandictionary-01
Id: urbanlegends-about-01
Id: us-download-nvidia-01
Id: us-etrade-01
Id: us-mg-mail-yahoo-01
Id: us-php-01
Id: us-php-02
Id: usa-autodesk-01
Id: usalone-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title:, The People's Email Network
- Tags: home, political, link
- Link:
Id: usatoday-01
Id: usbman-01
Id: usbmeter-01
Id: usenix-01
Id: userbase-kde-01
Id: userbase-kde-02
Id: ushahidi-01
Id: uxcell-01
Id: vacca-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: VRML Clearly Explained: Bringing Virtual Reality to the
- Author: Vacca, John R.
- Date: 1997
- Publisher: Academic Press
- Edition: 2nd
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0127100083
- ASIN: 10944715
Id: vaiw-01
Id: valenza-01
Id: vamosi-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: When Gadgets Betray Us
- Author: Vamosi, Robert
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Basic Books
- Edition: Rep.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780465031382
- Link:
Id: van-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000-Mile
Journey Through a New America
- Author: van Gelder, Sarah
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 19016841
Id: vanheusden-01
Id: vansintjan-01
Id: varoufakis-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Talking to My Daughter About the Economy: or, How Capitalism
Works–and How It Fails
- Author: Varoufakis, Yanis
- Authors: Jacob Moe
- Date: 2018
- Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2018), 224 pages
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 0374272360
- ASIN: 16238926
Id: varoufakis-02
Id: vatsyayana-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Kamasutra (Oxford World's Classics)
- Author: Vatsyayana, Mallanaga
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Oxford University Press
- Edition: Reissue
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0199539162
- ASIN: 58987
Id: vawt-01
Id: veaux-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory
- Author: Veaux, Franklin
- Authors: Tatiana Gill, Janet Hardy
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Thorntree Press (2014), 496 pages
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0991399714
- ASIN: 15062936
Id: veblen-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Theory of the Leisure Class
- Author: Veblen, Thorstein
- Date: 2020
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 5501
Id: vedanta-01
Id: vedanta-02
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Vedanta Society of Southern California
- Tags: home, aom, link
- Link:
Id: vekeo-01
Id: vekeo-02
Id: venter-01
Id: vention-01
Id: veritasium-01
Id: veritasium-02
Id: veritasium-03
Id: veritasium-04
Id: veritasium-05
Id: vice-01
Id: vid-atlantic-01
Id: video-aol-01
Id: video-google-01
Id: video-google-02
Id: video-google-03
Id: video-google-04
Id: video-google-05
Id: video-kpbs-01
Id: videobanned-01
Id: videosift-01
Id: viewzone-01
Id: vimeo-01
Id: vimeo-02
Id: vimeo-03
Id: vinge-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: The Children of the Sky (Zones of Thought)
- Author: Vinge, Vernor
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Tor Books
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0312875622
- ASIN: 9928224
Id: visibleauthority-01
Id: vitamincfoundation-01
Id: vividlyclear-01
Id: vlist-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: XML Schema: The W3C's Object-Oriented Descriptions for
- Author: Vlist, Eric van der
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 9780596002527
Id: vmware-01
Id: voice-google-01
Id: voidspace-01
Id: volcano-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Queering Anarchism
- Author: Volcano, C.B. Daring
- Date: 2012
- Publisher: AK Press
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 26868241
Id: vonnegut-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Cat's Cradle
- Author: Vonnegut, Kurt
- Date: 2009
- Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 3374753
Id: vote-smart-01
Id: votersedge-01
Id: vox-01
Id: vrealities-01
Id: w-01
Id: w-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language Version 1.1
- Tags: folder, reference, xml, html, link
- Link:
Id: w-03
Id: w-04
Id: w-05
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Resource Description Framework (RDF) / W3C Semantic Web
- Tags: toolsw, language, rdf, link
- Link:
Id: w-06
Id: w-schools-01
Id: w-schools-02
Id: w-uh-01
Id: wakeup-world-01
Id: wakeupworld-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: WAKE UP WORLD EDUCATION; positive personal and global change
through education
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: walker-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Evolved
- Author: Walker, N.R.
- Date: 2018
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 21737180
Id: walters-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Cities of Light: A New Vision of the Future
- Author: Walters, Donald J.
- Date: 2005
- Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers
- Edition: 2nd
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1565891724
- ASIN: 9768689
Id: wanttoknow-01
Id: wanttoknow-02
Id: warcomeshome-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: The War Comes Home, A Project of KPFA Radio
- Tags: home, political, link
- Link:
Id: warren-01
Id: warren-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: This Fight Is Our Fight
- Author: Warren, Elizabeth
- Date: 2017
- Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 19361389
Id: washington-01
Id: watermarbles-01
Id: watts-01
Id: wdslt-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Whiskey Dick's Bar in South Lake Tahoe
- Tags: home, per, link
- Link:
Id: weakdh-01
Id: weall-01
Id: wearables-blu-01
Id: wearcam-01
Id: wearecb-01
Id: wearsthebaby-01
Id: weather-01
Id: web-d-01
Id: webb-01
Id: webcitation-01
Id: webcitation-02
Id: webcitation-03
Id: webcitation-04
Id: webcitation-05
Id: webcitation-06
Id: webcredible-01
Id: webdesign-about-01
Id: webofdebt-01
Id: webofdebt-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Web of Debt - How Banks And The Federal Reserve Are
Bankrupting The Planet…
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: weboflove-01
Id: weboflove-02
Id: webpages-01
Id: webshop-fujitsupc-01
Id: webtst-assisrosa-01
Id: wefeelfine-01
Id: weiner-davis-01
Id: weirdlife-01
Id: weiss-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Million Dollar Consulting: The Professional's Guide to Growing
a Practice, Fifth Edition
- Author: Weiss, Alan
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 162060
Id: weknow-01
Id: welch-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Practical Programming in Tcl & Tk
- Author: Welch, Brent B.
- Date: 1997
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Edition: 2nd
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0136168302
- ASIN: 135602
Id: well-01
Id: wellstone-01
Id: wendy-seltzer-01
Id: wertheimer-01
Id: west-knights-01
Id: whatismyipaddress-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: What Is My IP Address? - Lookup IP, Hide IP, Change IP, Trace
IP and more…
- Tags: folder, reference, link
- Link:
Id: whatsapp-01
Id: whatsmydns-01
Id: wheal-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Recapture the Rapture
- Subtitle: Rethinking God, Sex, and Death in a World That's Lost Its
- Author: Wheal, Jamie
- Date: 2021-04-27
- Publisher: Harper
- Link:
Id: wheaton-01
Id: wheeldeath-01
Id: wheredidthetowersgo-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Where Did the Towers Go?
- Subtitle: Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11
- Tags: science, link
- Link:
Id: whippman-01
Id: white-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution
- Author: White, Micah
- Date: 2016
- Publisher: Knopf Canada
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 17389007
Id: white-02
Id: white-03
Id: whitecranejournal-01
Id: whitman-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Leaves of Grass: Authoritative Texts, Prefaces, Whitman on His
Art, Criticism (Norton Critical Edition)
- Author: Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1985
- Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
- Edition: 2nd
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0393093883
- ASIN: 11081126
Id: wholenesstherapy-01
Id: whyte-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in
Corporate America
- Author: Whyte, David
- Date: 1996
- Publisher: Currency
- Edition: Rev.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0385484186
- ASIN: 71346
Id: wiimoteproject-01
Id: wiki-01
Id: wiki-apache-01
Id: wiki-archlinux-01
Id: wiki-centos-01
Id: wiki-centos-02
Id: wiki-centos-03
Id: wiki-diasporafoundation-01
Id: wiki-diasporafoundation-02
Id: wiki-icinga-01
Id: wiki-mozilla-01
Id: wiki-tcl-tk-01
Id: wiki-ubuntu-01
Id: wikibooks-01
Id: wikipedia-01
Id: wikipedia-02
Id: wikipedia-03
Id: wikipedia-04
Id: wikipedia-05
Id: wikipedia-06
Id: wikipedia-07
Id: wikipedia-08
Id: wikipedia-09
Id: wikipedia-10
Id: wikipedia-11
Id: wikipedia-12
Id: wikipedia-13
Id: wikipedia-14
Id: wikipedia-15
Id: wikipedia-16
Id: wikipedia-17
Id: wikipedia-18
Id: wikipedia-19
Id: wikipedia-20
Id: wikipedia-21
Id: wikipedia-22
Id: wikipedia-23
Id: wikipedia-24
Id: wikipedia-25
Id: wikipedia-26
Id: wikipedia-27
Id: wikipedia-28
Id: wikipedia-29
Id: wikipedia-30
Id: wikipedia-31
Id: wikipedia-32
Id: wikipedia-33
Id: wikipedia-34
Id: wikipedia-35
Id: wikipedia-36
Id: wikipedia-37
Id: wikipedia-38
Id: wikipedia-39
Id: wikipedia-40
Id: wikipedia-41
Id: wikipedia-42
Id: wikipedia-43
Id: wikipedia-44
Id: wikipedia-45
Id: wikipedia-46
Id: wikipedia-47
Id: wikipedia-48
Id: wikipedia-49
Id: wikipedia-50
Id: wikipedia-51
Id: wikipedia-52
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: available
- Annote: moved to parks-02
Id: wikipedia-53
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: available
- Annote: moved to gebru-01
Id: wikipedia-54
Id: wikipedia-55
Id: wikipedia-56
Id: wikipedia-57
Id: wikipedia-59
Id: wikipedia-60
Id: wikipedia-61
Id: wikipedia-62
Id: wikipedia-63
Id: wikipedia-64
Id: wikipedia-65
Id: wikipedia-66
Id: wikipedia-67
Id: wilburhotsprings-01
Id: wildflowerharmonica-01
Id: wildflowerharmonica-02
Id: wilhelm-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of Life
- Author: Wilhelm, Richard
- Date: 1962
- Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
- Edition: Rev.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0156799804
- ASIN: 204188
Id: williams-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Two Spirits: A Story of Life With the Navajo
- Author: Williams, Walter L.
- Date: 2019
- Publisher: Peregrine Ventures
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 4133622
Id: willkempartschool-01
Id: wilpf-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Women's International League For Peace and Freedom
- Tags: home, tofile, set4, link
- Link:
Id: wilytech-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Wily Technology; Enterprise Web Application Management
- Tags: home, job, company, link
- Link:
Id: wimp-01
Id: wimp-02
Id: wimp-03
Id: wimp-04
Id: wimp-05
Id: windows-now-01
Id: wine-doors-01
Id: winehq-01
Id: winiecki-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Setting Foundations for a New Civilization
- Author: Winiecki, Martin
- Date: 2013
- Publisher: Verlag Meiga
- Edition: Ill.
- Tags: important
- ISBN: 3927266477
- ASIN: 26862721
Id: wink-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Engaging the Powers
- Subtitle: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination
- Author: Wink, Walter
- Date: 2008
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 284248
Id: wink-02
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Naming the Powers
- Subtitle: The Language of Power in the New Testament (The Powers :
Volume One)
- Author: Wink, Walter
- Date: 2011
- Publisher: Publisher Unknown
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 47022
Id: wink-03
Id: wink-04
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Unmasking the Powers: The Invisible Forces That Determine
Human Existence: 2 (Powers, Vol 2)
- Author: Wink, Walter
- Date: 1993
- Publisher: Fortress Press
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 835992
Id: winlink-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Winlink 2000; Global Radio Email System
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: winters-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: The Sentinel
- Author: Winters, Eden
- Date: 2014
- Publisher: Rocky Ridge Books
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 14276196
Id: winters-02
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Winters' Tales: Stories and Observations for the Unusual
- Author: Winters, Jonathan
- Date: 1987
- Publisher: Random House
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0394564243
- ASIN: 434016
Id: wired-01
Id: wired-02
Id: wired-03
Id: wnyc-01
Id: wolff-01
Id: wolford-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Encounter (Encounters of the Third Kind Book 1)
- Author: Wolford, Perie
- Date: 2015
- Publisher: Perie Wolford
- Tags: biblio
- ASIN: 16413881
Id: wolpe-01
Id: wong-01
Id: wood-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Four-Disc
Special Extended Edition)
- Author: Wood, Elijah
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0780638476
Id: wood-02
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Special
Extended Edition)
- Author: Wood, Elijah
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: New Line Home Video
- Edition: Ext.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0780646533
- ASIN: 24986237
Id: wood-03
- Type: media
- Media: DVD
- Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Four-Disc Special
Extended Edition)
- Author: Wood, Elijah
- Date: 2003
- Publisher: New Line Home Video
- Edition: Ext.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0780644042
- ASIN: 24985803
Id: woodfrogs-01
Id: woodgears-01
Id: woodsorrelproduct-01
Id: woodsorrelproduct-02
Id: woodturner-01
Id: woodyswoundup-blogspot-01
Id: worklife-01
Id: worklife-02
Id: worktolive-01
Id: world-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title:
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: worldblu-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: WorldBlu; Designing Democratic Organizations
- Tags: home, change, link
- Link:
Id: worldbrainbook-01
Id: worldcantwait-01
Id: worldisnew-wordpress-01
Id: worldofends-01
Id: wp-01
Id: wrh-noaa-01
Id: wright-01
Id: wright-02
Id: wrixon-01
- Type: book
- Media: Hardcover
- Title: Codes, Ciphers and Other Cryptic and Clandestine
Communication: 400 Ways to Send Secret Messages from Hieroglyphs to the
- Author: Wrixon, Fred B.
- Date: 1998
- Publisher: Black Dog & Leventhal
- Edition: Rev.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1579120407
- ASIN: 285272
Id: wskcc-01
Id: wunderground-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Weather Forecast & Reports - Long Range &
Local; Weather Underground
- Tags: weather, link
- Link:
Id: www-ed-fnal-01
Id: www-ibm-01
Id: www-ibm-02
Id: www-ibm-03
Id: www-ibm-04
Id: www-ibm-05
Id: www-ibm-06
Id: www-ibm-07
Id: www-ibm-08
Id: www-int-sychron-01
Id: www-static-cc-gatech-01
Id: www-uwindsor-01
Id: www-west-clicknet-01
Id: xaphoon-01
- Type: site
- Media: product
- Title: The Data Egg - One-hand position-independent typing and data
- Tags: home, make, wearable, link
- Link:
Id: xaprb-01
Id: xdebug-01
Id: xdialog-01
Id: xensource-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: XenSource: Delivering the Power of Xen
- Tags: toolsw, other, link
- Link:
Id: xkcd-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: xkcd: History Department
- Tags: humor, current, link
- Link:
Id: xkcd-02
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: xkcd: Open Source
- Tags: home, homelan, frequent, link
- Link:
Id: xkcd-03
Id: xmlgraphics-apache-01
Id: xmlgraphics-apache-02
Id: xmlmind-01
Id: xulplanet-01
Id: yahooligans-01
Id: yang-01
- Type: site
- Media: org
- Title: Andrew Yang for President - Humanity First. $1,000/month for
all.; Andrew Yang for President
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: yang-02
Id: yankovic-01
- Type: media
- Media: video
- Title: Perform This Way (Parody of Born This Way by Lady Gaga) -
Weird Al Yankovic
- Author: Yankovic, Weird Al
- Tags: video, old:youtube-052
- Link:
Id: yaqub-01
Id: yates-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Leave Myself Behind
- Author: Yates, Bart
- Date: 2004
- Publisher: Kensington
- Edition: Rep.
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0758203497
- ASIN: 385708
Id: ye-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Effects of Short Video Addiction on the Motivation and
Well-Being of Chinese Vocational College Students
- Author: Ye, Jian-Hong
- Date: 2022-05-10
- DateSeen: 2023-03-11
- Tags: article
- Link:,can%20gradually%20create%20addictive%20behaviors.
- AltLink:
Id: yelp-01
Id: yelp-02
Id: yelp-03
Id: yesmagazine-01
Id: yesmagazine-02
Id: yesmagazine-03
Id: yesmagazine-04
Id: yesofcourse-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Nextel Motorola Cell Phone Accessories i1000, i90, i95,
charger, battery, hands free, kits, cellular
- Tags: home, tofile, set1, link
- Link:
Id: yesworld-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Values & Strategy - YES! - Connecting, Inspiring and
Collaborating with Young and Intergenerational Changemakers
- Tags: culture, link
- Link:
Id: yonomi-01
Id: yourdon-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Death March
- Subtitle: The Complete Software Developer's Guide to Surviving
'Mission Impossible' Projects
- Author: Yourdon, Edward
- Date: 1999
- Publisher: Pearson P T R
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 0130146595
- ASIN: 8382446
Id: yourmorals-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Morality Quiz/Test your Morals, Values & Ethics - Your
- Tags: home, political, link
- Link:
Id: yousendit-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP
- Tags: last, link
- Link:
Id: youtu-be-01
Id: youtu-be-02
Id: youtube-001
Id: youtube-003
Id: youtube-004
Id: youtube-005
Id: youtube-007
Id: youtube-011
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Id: youtube-181
Id: yroslashdot-01
Id: yroslashdot-02
Id: yudelove-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy
- Subtitle: Transforming Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
- Author: Yudelove, Eric
- Date: 2000
- Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
- Tags: biblio
- ISBN: 1567188346
- ASIN: 1445300
Id: yuku-01
- Type: article
- Media: link
- Title: Social Networking Features on Yuku; Free forums, social
networks, communities, chat rooms Yuku
- Tags: home, tofile, set2010, link
- Link:
Id: yunkaporta-01
- Type: book
- Media: Ebook
- Title: Sand Talk
- Subtitle: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World
- Author: Yunkaporta, Tyson
- Date: 2020-05-12
- Publisher: HarperOne
- Tags: culture, book, important, book
- Link:
Id: zadenalove-01
Id: zamboni-01
- Type: article
- Media: article
- Title: Learning CFEngine 3
- Subtitle: Automated system administration for sites of any size
- Author: Zamboni, Diego
- Tags: engineering
- ISBN: 1449312209
Id: zarb-01
Id: zazzle-01
Id: zedomax-01
Id: zegg-forum-01
Id: zehr-01
- Type: book
- Media: Paperback
- Title: Changing Lenses
- Subtitle: A New Focus for Crime and Justice
- Author: Zehr, Howard
- Date: 1995
- Publisher: Herald Press
- Address: Scottdale, PA
- ISBN: 0836135121
- Link:
- Note: The Amazon link is to a later edition. This edition has 280
Id: zeitgeist-01
Id: zerodegrees-01
Id: zeromq-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: Distributed Messaging - zeromq
- Tags: tools, link
- Link:
Id: zerotech-01
Id: zfoneproject-01
Id: zimbardo-01
Id: zimbardo-02
Id: zipskinny-01
- Type: site
- Media: site
- Title: ZIPskinny - Get the Skinny on that ZIP
- Tags: folder, reference, link
- Link:
Id: zuggsoft-01
Id: zzounds-01