Goal: Are all of the major production areas covered?
Talent releases
Food ordered
Script - dialog, movements, characters, props, sets, time
Story Board - visuals and scene order, story arch, add/move/remove
Shot List - scene parts, in set location order, date/time plan
Sites are picked and planned
Site releases and permits
"Blocking" plan for each of the sets/sites. (i.e. the location of everything, lights, cameras, cast, mics, etc.)
Cast and Crew - roles are defined
Goal: check or do these before packing
All batteries are charged.
Cameras are all setup with initial common configurations
Extra recording media and batteries are identified
Media has been erased, for max space (note time for each)
Gear checklist has been checked
Goal: do you have everything?
(1) LED tube light case (4 - 4ft shop lights)
(1) Duffel bag - (mathews camps, spring clamps, power cord, mic cords, etc)
(2) LED Spot bags - (plug adaptoer, barn door, difuser, LED light & power)
(1) LED Flat Panel - (power cords, filters)
(1) Video Tool Box
(1) Audio Tool Box
(1) Mic Stand bag (2 stands, 2 tripods)
(2) Mic cases (probably in one bag)
(4) Tote Boxes (probably in two bags)
(5) Sand Bags (probably in two bags)
(1) Boom Stand
(1) Light Stand bag - (4 - 7ft, 2 - 6ft)
Goal: Get everyone engaged and ready to be a team.
At the start, everyone introduces themselves, and their role - this is not optional!
Go over what scenes we will be shooting.
Goal: follow the blocking plan, and follow good safety rules.
If background to be shown, put camera at max distance away, up to 18'
Talent location (1/3 from background to camera)
Lights: back, key, fill, kicker, background (cookie?)
Make sure sand bags are used on stands, or over trip hazards.
Keep power and mic cables out of way. And tape down where needed.
Place markers for the actors.
Goal: Get the best location, angles, and lighting of set and talent.
Pick best spot for talent (if it is not already defined).
Setup back-light stand and small LED, sand bags
Setup any overhead camera on mic stand, sand bag
Setup key light
Setup small LED fill light
Setup background light?
Setup cover camera on tripod
Setup closeup tripod, place to set camera
Lay power cables and plug in lights and cameras
Balance the lights
Turn on cameras
Get white balances
Check lights and cameras - over exposed?
Goal: make sure mics and recording works
Place mic stands
Lay mic cables (away from power cables, or cross over them at 90 degrees)
Attach the mics to stands and cables
Setup recording station, with recorder and headset
Turn it all on, batteries in place, mics on, phantom power on
Test each mic
Make a test recording, and play it back to verify all mics are recorded
Work with talent on attaching mics
Educate talent on mic protocols. (Never hit mic, never cover mic, stay close to mic, etc.)
Goal: Make sure the cameras all have same settings.
Verify camera settings: file setting, time set OK, etc. See Checklist - Camera Settings
Is there enough recording time left? Enough battery life?
Get white-balance. Manually set camera, and also record white paper
Lighting: not over/under exposed?
If holding camera, turn on dynamic stabilize.
Goal: Have a good "take". Make sure the "take" can be identified from the shot list, and so all the cameras can be synchronized for the take.
Check talent: lighting, power for skin shine, clothes are arranged and clear of lint, hair combed, etc.
Continuity checks - is it consistent with previous takes or scenes?
Note the scene/shot/take on clap board.
White clap board, visible to all cameras, if possible.
Director: cameras rolling. If possible, start the audio recorder, then the cameras in numerical order. Camera persons verify the counters are moving. They signal "ready" to the director.
Director signals to clap board grip: The "grip" says the scene # and take #, then snaps the clap board. (The actors do NOT start yet.)
Director says "action" - the actors start.
Camera persons follow the blocking plan and the shot list.
When scene is done, director says "cut"
Stop all cameras (so that a new file will be created for the next take)
If cameras are on battery, turn them off, if there is more that 10 min between takes. White-balance, and other settings will need to be rechecked when turned back on
After a few early takes, have the actors take a break.
$Source: /repo/local.cvs/app/video-studio/checklist/video-checklist.html,v $ $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2017/07/19 06:40:07 $ GMT