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By Bruce R.

It was a cliche:

"And what were the aliens? Certainly they were sentient. And certainly they have a place in the divine scheme of the universe. But what?"

There must be a plan?


So that we will know how to behave and fit in.

But what if there is no plan?

But there must be a plan.

Why are we here?


Knowing something wrong, that you are sure is right, is worse than not knowing anything. It locks a meme in place and the meme can not be dislodged until the "sure" thing is put aside.

Paradigm shifts can only be finished when there are cultural shifts. Basic assumptions have to be retested. Old forks in the road have to be looked at.

Resistance. We are going backwards. Superstitions will rule over logic!

This is madness. You can not question everything! All authorities will start to be questioned. Civilization will start to unravel. If there is no foundation for truth, or at least shared views, only constant arguments and disagreements are left.

Many can not live with shifting foundations.

Our way of life is being threatened, our survival is being threatened.

There are no safe places once the memes are unlocked.

Accept the new memes or fight.

So goes the authoritarian leader/follower perception.

Accept only the "proven" and your world view will be smaller than reality. Accept all until unproven and you might see all of reality. But you must always question and test; it's OK to believe on faith, but be very slow to act on faith.

Cleared mind, limit distractions, synchronistic events multiply, theories fold together.

The galaxies eject new matter, new galaxies, all tied together with electrical current threads in the plasma.

The stars are arcs of shorted currents in the galaxies.

Life starts in stars, on planets orbiting in stars, bathed with continuous light and burned hydrogen raining down. Months are like years. Sedimentation builds up rapidly. Matter ages, mass changes, gravity increases, dinosaurs die.

Life is easy, safe, and diverse, in the stars. But they are alone. Other stars can not be seen or known.

It is likely that our earth is far younger than assumed. Some planets are birthed from stars and gas giants. What of life now?

Hurled out into the cold. Massive changes, extinctions, life adapts. The psychological trauma on the human species is huge. Common myths align in time. The ancients point to Saturn as our home. We say they are fools!

Thousands of years are wasted, trying to restore the past harmony. We are impressed by the pyramids, but they are nothing, compared to what humans knew before they were thrown out of Eden.

The universe is hostile and empty. Where is everyone? Well, they are happy, and isolated behind their glowing arcs.

And it is all connected with the electric threads.

Now that is astonishing! It can not possibly be true! It is a heresy against all of science! Yet this astonishing shift is logically consistent and derived from one simple fact: electrical forces are 1039 times stronger than gravity, and the effects are present at all levels, from the atomic to the cosmic. That's a force more than a billion, billion, billion, billion, times stronger than gravity!

This theory can be tested with observations, experiments, and predictions; the foundation of the scientific method, but few will even look again at already known facts. Scientists are right about Astrology, the gravity of the sun and planets have little influence on us.

Time, connection to past knowledge, connection to the current knowledge, and minimal resources, are enough to advance new ideas. The authoritarian response is to reduce this threat: use up time with unimportant things, use up time with the need to work, fragment connections, divide the knowledge base, make tests and experiments expensive, do not ever allow "known truths" to be questioned.

Living with uncertainty. Paradigm shifts do change civilizations.

Organizing is discouraged, so is it any wonder that a new leaderless unorganized movement has evolved.

Leader today follower tomorrow.

Leader here follower there.

But where is the entity?

Profit organizations will have defined life times. Non-profits might be allowed to live longer, but they will still be limited. Only organizations holding common assets for the future can be immortal.

If an organization dies with no successor, then it's capital is given to a local commons trust that fits the organization's scale.

New organizations will evolve. Their internal structure can not be guessed, but their influences will be more humane. Living will be valued over ruling.

There is a lot of unusual stuff presented in this piece. Fanatic - Notes will describe a little more about what I was thinking, and it has links and a bibliography, if you want to dig deeper down the rabbit hole.


URL: http://moria.whyayh.com/essay/fanatic.html
URL: http://www.moria.dynu.com/essay/fanatic.html
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$Source: /repo/local.cvs/app/essay/src/pub/fanatic.sh,v $
First draft: 2007/07/11
Last updated: $Date: 2018/03/21 05:05:11 $ GMT $Revision: 1.13 $